Office of the Provost

Curriculum Tracking System: CIM

Welcome! This is a resource page for curriculum tracking at The University of Toledo.

Timeline Considerations

Submit your course/program modification in a timely manner:
  • Course and program proposals, both new proposals and modifications, will be for the following academic year, and will need full faculty governance approvals before updates will be reflected in the catalog aligned with the effective term.  Each college has a specific workflow process, and approvals are made by the department curriculum committee, the department chair or program director, the college curriculum committee, the college dean, the Faculty Senate or Graduate Council, the College of Graduate Studies (if applicable), the Office of the Provost and final step is the Office of the Registrar. 

 Curriculum Deadlines

  • All curriculum changes must be fully approved through Faculty Senate and Graduate Council before date TBD  in order to have course modification with an effective fall term for the upcoming school year and published in the 2025 - 2026 catalog. Otherwise, programs will have to wait until the following year to get these changes on the schedule.
  • Course that are approved after registration is opened will be assigned an effective term for the spring semester. Please plan accordingly.

  • Any changes to admissions requirements must be submitted as a program modification in the CIM system.

Curriculum Inventory Management system (CIM)

Access CIM Courses                     Access CIM Programs

CIM Help Resources

CIM Proposal Review Tips/Guidelines

CIM Training

To learn how to use UToledo's curriculum tracking tool CIM (Course Inventory Management), contact Cathy Zimmer in the Office of the Provost to arrange a date and time.  Email:, Phone: 419.530.3202

Training can be one-on-one or a department may arrange for a group session, all training will be conducted through Webex or Teams.  


Attendees: Faculty or staff who modify or propose new courses or programs and for those that also approve proposals

Time: 30 minutes

Description: The trainer will demonstrate how to search for courses, view the workflow, make edits to the Edit Course form, and propose a new course and programs. Participants are encouraged to follow along with the trainer by interacting with their respective course forms, using the software as part of the learning process.  This session also instruct those in the workflow how to approve proposals in CIM.


Contact Cathy Zimmer, director of academic and curricular initiatives in the Office of the Provost at 419.530.3202 or

Ohio Higher Ed logo



ODHE Definitions for Credit Hours, Contact, Instructional Weeks, Labs, Practicums, etc.

ODHE Graduate Programs Guidelines

ODHE Undergraduate  Guidelines

UToledo Resources

Program Development Guidelines 

The process and outline for developing new programs and certificates  at The University of Toledo, for both undergraduate and graduate levels.  You will also find the process for program suspension of admissions via CIM inactivation request (not longer accepting majors)

Last Updated: 9/9/24