Tuition and Fees


2024 Graduate Tuition (excluding those listed below)
  In State Out of State

General Fee

Total Tuition

General Fee

Fall & Spring (plateau 12-15 hours) $7,830.60 $680.16 $8,510.76 $13,741.20 $680.16 $14,421.36
Per credit hour ≤ 12 $652.55 $56.68 $709.23 per hr. $1,145.10 $56.68 $1,201.78 per hr.
Per credit hour ≥ 16 $652.55 - $8,510.76 + ($652.55 per hr. ≥ 16) $1,145.10 - $14,421.36 + ($1,145.10 per hr. ≥ 16)
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Summer (plateau 9-11 hours) $5,872.95 $510.12 $6,383.07 $10,305.90 $510.12 $10,816.02
Per credit hour ≤ 9 $652.55 $56.68 $709.23 per hr. $1,145.10 $56.68 $1,201.78 per hr.
Per credit hour ≥ 12 $652.55 - $6,383.07 + ($652.55 per hr. ≥ 12) $1,145.10 - $10,816.02 + ($1,145.10 per hr. ≥ 12)
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
2024 Graduate 100% Online Degree Tuition
100% Non-specific Graduate Program
  In State Out of State

General Fee

Total Tuition

General Fee

Fall & Spring (plateau 12-15 hours) $7,830.60 $680.16 $8,510.76 $7,830.60 $680.16 $8,510.76+ $5 per hr. surcharge
Per credit hour ≤ 12 $652.55 $56.68 $709.23 per hr. $652.55 $56.68 $709.23 per hr.+ $5 per hr. surcharge
Per credit hour ≥ 16 $652.55 - $8,510.76 + ($652.55 per hr. ≥ 16) $652.55 - $8,510.76 + ($652.55 per hr. + $5 per hr. surcharge ≥ 16)
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Summer (plateau 9-11 hours) $5,872.95 $510.12 $6,383.07 $5,872.95 $510.12 $6,383.07 + $5 per hr. surcharge
Per credit hour ≤ 9 $652.55 $56.68 $709.23 per hr. $652.55 $56.68 $709.23 per hr. + $5 per hr. surcharge
Per credit hour ≥ 12 $652.55 - $6,383.07 + ($652.55 per hr. ≥ 12) $652.55 - $6,383.07 + ($652.55 per hr. + $5 per hr. surcharge ≥ 12)
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Education Graduate 100% Online Degree Program
  In State Out of State

General Fee

Total Tuition

General Fee

Fall & Spring (plateau 12-15 hours) $6,852.00 $680.16 $7,532.16 $6,852.00 $680.16 $7,532.16+ $5 per hr. surcharge
Per credit hour ≤ 12 $571.00 $56.68 $627.68 per hr. $571.00 $56.68 $627.68 per hr. + $5 per hr. surcharge
Per credit hour ≥ 16 $571.00 - $7,532.16 + ($571.00 per hr. ≥ 16) $571.00 - $7,532.16 + ($571.00 + $5 per hr. surcharge per hr. ≥ 16)
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Summer (plateau 9-11 hours) $5,139.00 $510.12 $5,649.12 $5,139.00 $510.12 $5,649.12 + $5 per hr. surcharge
Per credit hour ≤ 9 $571.00 $56.68 $627.68 per hr. $571.00 $56.68 $627.68 per hr. + $5 per hr. surcharge
Per credit hour ≥ 12 $571.00 - $5,649.12 + ($571.00 per hr. ≥ 12) $571.00 - $5,649.12 + ($571.00+ $5 per hr. surcharge per hr. ≥ 12)
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) 100% Online Degree Program
  In State Out of State

General Fee

Total Tuition

General Fee

Fall & Spring (plateau 12-15 hours) $9,606.36 $680.16 $10,286.52 $9,606.36 $680.16 $10,286.52 + $5 per hr. surcharge
Per credit hour ≤ 12 $800.53 $56.68 $857.21 per hr. $800.53 $56.68 $857.21 per hr. + $5 per hr. surcharge
Per credit hour ≥ 16 $800.53 $10,286.52 + ($800.53 per hr. ≥ 16) $800.53 $10,286.52 + ($800.53 + $5 per hr. surcharge per hr. ≥ 16)
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Summer (plateau 9-11 hours) $7,204.77 $510.12 $7,714.89 $7,204.77 $510.12 $7,714.89 + $5 per hr. surcharge
Per credit hour ≤ 9 $800.53 $56.68 $857.21 per hr. $800.53 $56.68 $857.21 + $5 per hr. surcharge per hr.
Per credit hour ≥ 12 $800.53 - $7,714.89 + ($800.53 per hr. ≥ 12) $800.53 - $7,714.89 + ($800.53 + $5 per hr. surcharge per hr. ≥ 12)
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Education Graduate Tuition
  In State Out of State

General Fee

Total Tuition

General Fee

Fall & Spring (plateau 12-15 hours) $6,852.00 $680.16 $7,532.16 $12,762.60 $680.16 $13,442.76
Per credit hour ≤ 12 $571.00 $56.68 $627.68 per hr. $1,063.55 $56.68 $1,120.23 per hr.
Per credit hour ≥ 16 $571.00 - $7,532.12+ ($571.00 per hr. ≥ 16) $1,063.55 - $13,442.76 + ($1,063.55 per hr. ≥ 16)
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Summer (plateau 9-11 hours) $5,139.00 $510.12 $5,649.12 $9,571.95 $510.12 $10,082.07
Per credit hour ≤ 9 $571.00 $56.68 $627.68 per hr. $1,063.55 $56.68 $1,120.23 per hr.
Per credit hour ≥ 12 $571.00 - $5,649.12 + ($571.00 per hr. ≥ 12) $1,063.55 - $10,082.07 + ($1,063.55 per hr. ≥ 12)
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Select Health Professions Graduate Programs Tuition
Occupational Therapy & Physical Therapy Doctorate
  In State Out of State

General Fee

Total Tuition

General Fee

Fall & Spring (plateau 12-15 hours) $8,365.32 $680.16 $9,045.48 $14,275.92 $680.16 $14,956.08
Per credit hour ≤ 12 $697.11 $56.68 $753.79 per hr. $1,189.66 $56.68 $1,246.34
Per credit hour ≥ 16 $697.11 - $9,045.48 + ($697.11 per hr. ≥ 16) $1,189.66 - $14,956.08 + ($1,189.66 per hr. ≥ 16)
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Summer (plateau 9-11 hours) $6,273.99 $510.12 $6,784.11 $10,706.94 $510.12 $11,217.06
Per credit hour ≤ 9 $697.11 $56.68 $753.79 per hr. $1,189.66 $56.68 $1,246.34 per hr.
Per credit hour ≥ 12 $697.11 - $6,784.11 + ($697.11 per hr. ≥ 12) $1,189.66 - $11,217.06 + ($1,189.66 per hr. ≥ 12)
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Speech Language Pathology
  In State Out of State

General Fee

Total Tuition

General Fee

Fall & Spring (plateau 12-15 hours) $8,161.32 $680.16 $8,841.48 $14,071.92 $680.16 $14,752.08
Per credit hour ≤ 12 $680.11 $56.68 $736.79 per hr. $1,172.66 $56.68 $1,229.34 per hr.
Per credit hour ≥ 16 $680.11 - $8,841.48 + ($680.11 per hr. ≥ 16) $1,172.66 - $14,752.08 + ($1,172.66 per hr. ≥ 16)
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Summer (plateau 9-11 hours) $6,120.99 $510.12 $6,631.11 $10,553.94 $510.12 $11,064.06
Per credit hour ≤ 9 $680.11 $56.68 $736.79 per hr. $1,172.66 $56.68 $1,229.34 per hr.
Per credit hour ≥ 12 $680.11 - $6,631.11 + ($680.11 per hr. ≥ 12) $1,172.66 - $11,064.06 + ($1,172.66 per hr. ≥ 12)
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) Tuition
  In State Out of State

General Fee

Total Tuition

General Fee

Fall & Spring (plateau 12-15 hours) $9,606.36 $680.16 $10,286.52 $15,516.96 $680.16 $16,197.12
Per credit hour ≤ 12 $800.53 $56.68 $857.21 per hr. $1,293.08 $56.68 $1,349.76 per hr.
Per credit hour ≥ 16 $800.53 $10,286.52 + ($800.53 per hr. ≥ 16) $1,293.08 $16,197.12 + ($1,293.08 per hr. ≥ 16)
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Summer (plateau 9-11 hours) $7,204.77 $510.12


$11,637.72 $510.12 $12,147.84
Per credit hour ≤ 9 $800.53 $56.68 $857.21 per hr. $1,293.08 $56.68 $1,349.76 per hr.
Per credit hour ≥ 12 $800.53 - $7,714.89 + ($800.53 per hr. ≥ 12) $1,293.08 $12,147.84 + ($1,293.08 per hr. ≥ 12)
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) Tuition
  In State Out of State

General Fee

Total Tuition

General Fee

DPH Fall, Spring & Summer $8,379.84 $680.16 $9,060.00 $14,290.44 $680.16 $14,970.60
Per credit hour < 12 $698.32 $56.68 $755.00 per hr. $1,190.87 $56.68 $1,247.55 per hr.
Per credit hour ≥ 12 $191.21 $9,060.00 + ($191.21 per hr. ≥ 12) $330.69 $14,970.60 + ($330.69 per hr. ≥ 12)
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
DPH AAPPE - P4 Level - based on 36 credit hour year $19,794.96 $2,040.48 $21,835.44 $33,782.76 $2,040.48 $35,823.24
Per credit hour $549.86 $56.68 $606.54 $938.41 $56.68 $995.09
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Mandatory Fees Fee
DPH P3 Level $2,011.56
Per credit hour < 12 $167.63
DPH AAPPE - P4 Level $4,022.54
Per credit hour  $111.74
Physician Assistant (P.A.) Tuition
  In State Out of State

General Fee

Total Tuition

General Fee

Fall & Spring (plateau 15 hours) $12,979.80 $850.20 $13,830.00 $21,184.20 $850.20 $22,034.40
Per credit hour ≤ 15 $865.32 $56.68   $922.00 per hr. $1,412.28 $56.68 $1,468.96 per hr.
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Summer (plateau 9 hours) $7,787.88 $510.12 $8,298.00 $12,710.52 $510.12 $13,220.64
Per credit hour ≤ 9 $865.32 $56.68 $922.00 per hr. $1,412.28 $56.68 $1,468.96 per hr.
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Tuition
  In State Out of State

General Fee

Total Tuition

General Fee

Fall, Spring & Summer (12 credit hours) $7,830.60 $680.16 $8,510.76 $13,471.20 $680.16 $14,421.36
Per credit hour ≤ 12 $652.55 $56.68 $709.23 per hr. $1,145.10 $56.68 $1,201.78 per hr.
Per credit hour > 12 $168.93 $8,510.76 + ($168.93 per hr. > 12) $307.07 $14,421.36 + ($307.07 per hr. > 12)
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Master of Medical Science (M.D.S.C.) Tuition
  In State Out of State
Based on 37 credit hour year Tuition

General Fee

Total Tuition

General Fee

Fall, Spring & Summer $37,629.00 $2,097.16 $39,726.16 $73,993.71 $2,097.16 $76,090.87
Per credit hour $1017.00 $56.68 $1,073.68 per hr. $1,999.83 $56.68 $2,056.51 per hr.
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Tuition
  In State Out of State

General Fee

Total Tuition

General Fee

M.D. Program Fall & Spring (plateau 12) $18,280.20 $772.20 $19,052.40 $35,505.60 $772.20 $36,277.80
Per credit hour < 12 $1,523.35 $64.35 $1,587.70 per hr. $2,958.80 $64.35 $3,023.15 per hr.
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
M.D. Program Summer (plateau 7) $8,530.83 $772.17 $9,303.00 $16,569.35 $772.17 $17,341.52
Per credit hour < 7 $1,218.69 $110.31 $1,329.00 per hr. $2,367.05 $110.31 $2,477.36 per hr.
Students who are residents of Monroe County, Mich., pay in-state tuition plus $1 out-of-state surcharge per semester.
College of Engineering International Program Fee
PSG India MSME (36 hours) $8,000.00
Mandatory Fees
Graduate Misc. Service Fee (per credit hour, max 12) $17.21
Distance Learning Fee (per DL course) $25.00
Health Insurance Plan Fall (required for specific student populations)
*UToledo enrolls students in the student health insurance plans. See Health Insurance Plan website for information on student groups automatically enrolled and fee waive process.
Health Insurance Plan Spring (covers Spring and Summer semesters) (required for specific student populations)
*UToledo enrolls students in the student health insurance plans. See Health Insurance Plan website for information on student groups automatically enrolled and fee waive process.
Health Insurance Plan Summer (required for specific student populations)
*UToledo enrolls students in the student health insurance plans. See Health Insurance Plan website for information on student groups automatically enrolled and fee waive process.
International Student Services Fee (per semester) $50.00
New Student Registration Fee (first term enrolled) $30.00
Optional Fees
Legal Services Fee (per semester) $10.00
Legal Services Fee Spring (covers Spring and Summer semesters) $20.00
Parking Permit (Non-medical students, per semester) $142.00
Parking Permit (medical students, covers Fall and Spring semesters) $426.00
Rocket ID Card $35.00
Rocket Payment Plan (Fall and Spring, per semester) $60.00
Rocket Payment Plan (Summer semester) $50.00
Student Green Fund (per semester) $5.00
New Student Fees
College of Graduate Studies Application Fee $45.00
College of Graduate Studies International Application Fee $75.00
College of Graduate Studies Orientation Fee $100.00
College of Medicine and Life Sciences Doctor of Medicine Application Fee $80.00
College Program Fees
College Technology Fee Fee
College of Arts and Letters (per credit hour, no maximum) $9.00
College of Business Innovation (per credit hour, no maximum) $13.00
Judith Herb College of Education (per credit hour, no maximum) $9.00
College of Engineering (per credit hour, no maximum) $17.50
College of Health and Human Services (per credit hour, no maximum) $12.00
College of Natural Science and Mathematics (per credit hour, no maximum) $13.00
College of Nursing (per credit hour, no maximum) $13.00
College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (per credit hour, no maximum) $5.70
University College (per credit hour, no maximum) $4.50
Major / Concentration / Program Fees  
College of Engineering Infrastructure Fee (per credit hour, maximum 12 credit hours) $25.00
College of Graduate Studies Graduation Services Fee (per degree received) $125.00
College of Medicine and Life Sciences Disability Insurance Fee (first year) - Fall only $53.00
College of Medicine and Life Sciences Disability Insurance Fee (second, third, fourth-year medical student) - Fall only $63.00
College of Medicine and Life Sciences Master of Medical Science Program Fee (per semester) $572.00
College of Medicine and Life Sciences Physician Assistant Program Fee (per semester) $50.00
College of Medicine and Life Sciences Program Lab Fee (first year medical student, Spring only) $350.00
College of Medicine and Life Sciences Program Lab Fee (second-year medical student, Fall only) $350.00
College of Nursing Upper Division Fee (per credit hour, no maximum) $50.00
College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharm D Clerkship (per semester) $1,672.00
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Course Fee (per credit, no maximum) $14.50
Master of Medical Science Program Fee (per semester) $812.00
Inclusive Access Fee
Inclusive access is a negotiated discount to deliver electronic books and/or access to online course materials.
For more information, FAQs and to opt out, visit the Inclusive Access website.
Course Name and Number Author and Book Title Access Fee        
ACCT 5000 Liedel, Financial and Managerial Accounting $107.75        
ACCT 5110 Spiceland, Intermediate Accounting $107.75        
ACCT 5120 Spiceland, Intermediate Accounting $107.75        
ACCT 5420 Johnson, Auditing with Mindtap $117.18        
ACCT 6130 Christensen, Advanced Finance Accounting with Connect $94.28        
ACCT 6410 Reck, Acct. for Govt & Nonprofit w/access $94.28        
ACCT 6600 Richardson, Data Analytics for Accounting $107.75        
BUAD 6100 Williams, Financial and Managerial Accounting $94.28        
FINA 5310 Essentials of Corporate Finance $94.28        
FLAN 5160 Shrum, Teachers Handbook $46.67        
FREN 5160 Shrum, Teachers Handbook $46.67        
GERM 5160 Shrum, Teachers Handbook $46.67        
MGMT 6150 Leadership Experience $57.16        
MLS 6100 Repko, Case Studies in Interdisciplinary Research $101.01        
OSCM 5510 Jaggia, Business Statistics AND Operations and Supply Chain Management $129.30        
OSCM 5520 Jacobs, Operations & Supply Chain Management $94.28        
SPAN 5120 Patti, Conectados w/Mindtap $119.86        


View the full cost of attendance estimate on the Financial Aid Cost of Attendance website.

Have Questions?

Main Campus - Rocket Solution Central (RSC)
Health Science Campus - Student Service Center (SSC)
Call Rocket Solution Central (Main Campus) 419.530.8700
Monday - Wednesday and Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Thursday 10 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Call Student Service Center (Health Science Campus) 419.383.3600
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Visit Rocket Solution Central (Main Campus) 1200 Rocket Hall
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Visit Student Service Center (Health Science Campus) 1st floor, Mulford Library
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Last Updated: 12/9/24