Academic Performance Standards - Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Procedure Number: SPC-4
Good Academic Standing
- The College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences defines “good academic standing” for professional division students in the Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (B.S.P.S.) program (Cosmetic Science and Formulation Design, Medicinal and Biological Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology/Toxicology, and Pharmacy Administration) in the following manner: a minimum term and cumulative GPA of 2.00.
- To hold an office in a college organization or represent the college, a student enrolled must be in “good academic standing.”
Academic Probation
- A student will be placed on Academic Probation for the following:
- Earning a semester or cumulative GPA < 2.00.
- Earning a semester GPA < 1.00; this performance may lead to suspension (see section on suspension below) from the University without a preliminary probationary semester.
- Any student on Academic Probation for two of three consecutive semesters in attendance may be suspended (see section on suspension below) from the University.
- Students will remain on Academic Probation until the cumulative GPA is raised to 2.00 or greater.
- Any student on academic probation who earns a term or cumulative GPA of < 2.00 or earns a grade of F may be suspended for a period of one (1) semester, not including summer semester.
- Any student who earns a cumulative GPA < 1.00 may be suspended for a period of one (1) semester, not including summer semester.
Readmission from Suspension
- Students serving suspension have the right to petition for readmission to the college.
- A student must request readmission via a written petition to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs at least 30 days prior to the start of the semester of desired return.
GPA Recalculation
GPA recalculation for professional division courses for B.S.P.S. non-Pharm.D. students will be allowed, in accordance with the policies of The University of Toledo.
Scope: This procedure applies to all students enrolled in the professional division of the Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences program (Cosmetic Science and Formulation Design, Medicinal and Biological Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology/Toxicology, and Pharmacy Administration) of the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Responsible Agent: Associate Dean of Student Affairs, College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences