College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Academic Performance Standards - pre-pharmacy students

Procedure Number: SPC-3

Procedure Statement

The University of Toledo (UToledo) College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences follows the University policy on Academic Standing (UToledo Policy 3364-71-01) for defining academic good standing with the College and University for all undergraduate students in the Pre-Pharmacy program. Please refer to this policy for more information regarding good academic standing, probation, and suspension. This procedure outlines how the college will implement the University policy for the affected student population.


Good Academic Standing

  • A minimum cumulative UToledo grade point average of 2.0.
  • An undergraduate student must be in good academic standing to be eligible to graduate from UToledo.
  • An undergraduate student must be in good academic standing to be an officer in a College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences student organization.

Academic Probation

  • A student will be placed on academic probation for earning a cumulative UToledo GPA < 2.0.
  • A student will remain on academic probation until their cumulative GPA is raised to 2.0 or greater.
  • A student may remain enrolled as long as they earn a term GPA of 2.0 or greater. Earning a term GPA < 2.0 while on probation may lead to additional action.
  • A student on academic probation may have additional requirements placed on them by the college in order to register for courses during subsequent semesters. These requirements may include but are not limited to: limits on credit hour enrollment or course registration, scheduled meetings with academic advisors, regular attendance in courses, and utilization of University tutoring or other student success initiatives and resources.


  • A student on academic probation who earns a term GPA of < 2.00 may be suspended from the University for the subsequent semester(s) (excluding Summer) if their cumulative UToledo GPA is as follows:
    • Less than 1.0 over 10-19 cumulative UToledo GPA hours
    • Less than 1.5 over 20-29 cumulative UToledo GPA hours
    • Less than 1.7 over 30-39 cumulative UToledo GPA hours
    • Less than 1.8 over 40-49 cumulative UToledo GPA hours
    • Less than 1.9 over 50-59 cumulative UToledo GPA hours.
    • Less than 2.0 over 60 cumulative UToledo GPA hours.
  • A student must be given a minimum of one semester probation before being subject to suspension.
  • Suspension is from the University
  • A student may receive up to three (3) suspensions, with the suspended time as follows:
    • First suspension = one (1) semester (excluding summer)
    • Second suspension = one (1) academic year
    • Third suspension = three (3) academic years

Readmission from Suspension

  • A student serving suspension has the right to petition for readmission to the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
  • A student must request readmission via a written petition to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs at least 30 days prior to the start of the semester of desired return.
  • A student no longer desiring to pursue a degree offered by the college may seek readmission to the University in another college for which they are eligible. The student should follow readmission procedures for the college of interest.
  • A student returning to the college from suspension will be on academic probation and must earn a term GPA ≥ 2.0 until their cum UToledo GPA ≥ 2.0 or they are subject to a second (or third) suspension.
  • A student, on returning from suspension to the college, may have additional requirements placed on them by the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in order to register for courses during subsequent semesters. These requirements may include, but are not limited to: limits on credit hour enrollment or course registration, scheduled meetings with academic advisers, regular attendance in courses, and utilization of University tutoring or other student success initiatives and resources.
  • If a suspended student takes courses at another institution while suspended from the University, the student will be subject to the policies and requirements for Transfer Students (see college catalog for details).

Scope: This procedure applies to all Pre-Pharmacy students enrolled in the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Responsible Agent: Associate Dean of Student Affairs, College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Last Updated: 7/15/24