Office of Residence Life

On Campus Mailing Addresses

Packages to students living on campus will be delivered to the Office of Residence Life. Students will receive an email notification to their UToledo email address of any packages we receive with instructions to pick up their items at the Office of Residence Life Monday through Friday from 8:15 a.m. - 5 p.m. Packages can be delivered and picked up from the Office of Residence Life Monday - Friday from 8:15 a.m. - 5 p.m. Make sure to adjust your package delivery to our weekday business hours. Packages cannot be delivered on weekends or after hours.

Mail will also be delivered to the Office of Residence Life and then delivered to residence hall mailboxes.

Packages and mail should be addressed as follows:

Student First and Last Name
Residence Hall Name, Room #
1600 West Rocket Drive
Toledo, OH 43606


Residence Hall Names and Street Addresses for FOOD DELIVERY

For food deliveries, you should use your actual building address which is listed below. 

  • You must meet your food delivery drivers outside of the residence hall upon delivery.
  • Food cannot be dropped off at the desk in your building and the desk will not accept dropped off food while they are open.

McComas Village 2940-3130 Village Loop 43606*
Ottawa House West 1600 West Rocket Dr. 43606
Ottawa House East 3030 Residence Dr. 43606
Parks Tower 3025 South Glass Bowl Dr. 43606
Presidents Hall 3045 Residence Dr. 43606

* All Village Loop: A1-2940, A2-2950, B1-2960, B2-2970, C1-3000, C2-3010, D1-3020, D2-3030, E1-3050, E2-3060, F1-3100, F2-3110, G1-3120, G2-3130

Last Updated: 9/11/24