The University of Toledo Admission

Frequently Asked Questions


Can students take summer classes through the College Credit Plus program?

Yes. Summer sessions are six weeks long. The content of a full, 15-week semester is taught during that period. Note: The first summer session begins in the middle of May and may conflict with your end-of-year coursework and exams.

Can a student take night classes or online classes?

Yes. Students who meet prerequisites aren’t limited to the hours of the official school day for scheduling college courses. We offer on-campus and online courses at a variety of times so that it’s as convenient and accessible for you as possible.

What do I do if I’m struggling in a CCP course?

It is important to understand that enrolling in College Credit Plus requires significant academic dedication as courses are college level. Be sure to discuss this with your school counselor and one of the UToledo CCP advisers to ensure this transition is appropriate for you while still in high school.
We strongly encourage you to contact your UToledo CCP advisers as early as possible if you are struggling. Academic challenges are common and often part of the college experience. While neither your home school nor UToledo is required to intervene if you are facing academic challenges, we are confident in your ability to succeed and are available to help you in all ways possible. 

As a CCP student, you have access to all the academic support services UToledo offers. Additionally, you will have access to all other campus resources. 

Learn About Other Academic Support Services 


If I complete a class and receive a failing grade, will the state still pay for the class?  

If you receive a failing grade in a class, you can be billed for the cost of that class by your high school district (if you’re a public school student) or the State of Ohio (if you’re a private school or homeschooled student).

Will the College Credit Plus program pay for room and board at The University of Toledo?

No. Only costs for tuition, textbooks and material directly related to the course are covered through this program. If you are enrolled in CCP, you are not permitted to live on campus.

Does College Credit Plus cover parking? 

No. You will be responsible for paying for your own parking should you choose to take classes on campus.

Are College Credit Plus students eligible for financial aid or tuition waivers?

CCP students may not receive tuition waivers if their parent is a UToledo employee or federal or state financial aid. If a CCP student continues their education after high school at UToledo and remains in good academic standing, they are eligible and may apply for financial aid.                


Will The University of Toledo send mid-term grades?

No. UToledo does not send out mid-term grades. If you want to know your grade at any time during the semester, contact the instructor or professor if your grade isn’t posted on Blackboard.


What happens if I transfer into a new high school district after the April 1 deadline?

The district superintendent has the authority to allow students, on an individual basis, to participate in the program after April 1, the deadline each year for submitting your intent to participate form.

Can I still participate in high school athletics or Extracurricular activities if I’m a full-time CCP student?

Yes, as long as you haven’t graduated and meet state and local scholastic eligibility requirements.                          

For an additional list of frequently asked questions, visit the Ohio Department of Higher Education CCP website.

Last Updated: 7/15/24