Research Activities: David J. Nemeth
Current Research
My current (Fall 2014) research and writing, now in various stages of completion, are:
1) I recently published a book chapter titled “Blissful Devolution: Our Rolling Judgment Day” In James Norwine, ed., A World After Climate Change and Culture-shift. Amsterdam: Springer, 2014, pp. 327-350. In this chapter I am writing as a futurist and describing the condition of humankind in the A.D. 2110. My projection assumes that the two major drivers at present effecting change for the next hundred years are a) anthropogenic climate change and b) rapid shifts in cultural values. In a nutshell, the future in a totalitarian utopia.
2) I recently published a co-authored article for Applied Geography (December, 2013:109-118) titled “Alternative Tourism Geographies: Leveraging the Ironic Case of Pennsylvania’s Route 666 for Economic Development.” In this article searching for The Beast is proposed as an alternative tourism strategy designed to revitalize economically-distressed appropriate rural regions. My co-author is Dr. Deborah Che, at Southern Cross University in Australia.
3) I have recently published a co-authored book chapter project in press: “Sweetwater, Mountain Springs, and Great Lakes: A Hydro-geography of Beer Brands.” In Mark Patterson and Nancy Hoalst-Pullen, eds., The Geography of Beer: Regions, Environment, and Societies. New York: Springer, 2014: pp. 89-98. The chapter explores the marketing of commercial
beers in the American Beer Belt and the significance of the “purity” of the water
ingredient in popular local, regional and national brews, now and in the past. My
co-authors are Dr. Jay Gatrell and Dr. Charles Yeager, both at Indiana State University.
4) I have just completed a book-length memorate comprised of 52 chapters describing
my Peace Corps Volunteer service on Jeju (Cheju) Island in South Korea during 1973-1974.
The title is Jeju Island Rambling: Self-exile in Peace Corps, 1973-1974. Toledo, OH: Open Wide Press (self-published).
5) I am continuing to write a monograph-length manuscript tentatively titled “Dr. Irving Brown in the Land of the Ouled Nail.” This is my elaboration on an unpublished travel-adventure by Irving Henry Brown (1888-1940).
My elaboration discusses at length the hypothesis that proto-Romany migrations into
the Iberian Peninsula across North Africa occurred prior to and independent of the
historic fifteenth-century migrations of Romanies into the Peninsula from the north.
6) I am continuing work on another book project tentatively titled Road to Poona. The style and content represent my continuing interests in cultural geography as “magical realism.” I am writing the book as “Stevie,” a postmodern amalgam of Voltaire’s Candide and Schrodinger’s Cat. His explorations and adventures include a brief sojourn in Poona, India. I have already designed the book’s dust jacket:
Selected Online Projects/Publications
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Gypsies (Romanies) and Travelers; (UT Carlson Library's DX Educational Outreach Website) |
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Rediscovering Hallasan: Jeju Island's Traditional Landscapes of Sincerity, Mysticism and Adventure |
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The Walking Tractor: Trojan Horse in the Cheju Island Landscape |
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Architecture of Ideology: Neo-Confucian Imprinting on Cheju Island, Korea |
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2012. The Architecture of Ideology: Neo-Confucian Imprinting on Cheju Island, Korea. [University of California Press, 1987]. First EditionKorean-language Translation, by Young-ja Ko (with revisions and updates by author). Jejudo, South Korea: JejuWoo-dang Public Library. |
“Review.” 2011. The Culture of Fengshui in Korea: an Exploration of East Asian Geomancy, by Hong-key Yoon. 2006. Geographical Review, 101, 4 (October):610-14. | |
(with photographs by Carlo Gianferro). 2010. “The Magical Realism of Postmodern Gypsy Palaces.” Aether: the Journal of Media Geography. Volume 6 (Fall):37-47. | |
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“Extreme Geography.” 2010. Encyclopedia of Geography, Barney Warf (ed.). Thousand Oaks: SAGE Reference. Retrieved October 6, 2010 |
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“Introduction.” 2010. In Gypsy Interiors, by Carlos Gianferro, Italy: Postcart Press. 4 pps., unnumbered (in English and Italian). |
2014. Jeju Island Rambling: Self-Exile in Peace Corps 1973-1974. Toledo, OH: Open Wide Press. Self-published at 226 pps.
2014. Book Review. Clusters and Your Economy: An Illustrated Introduction, by Cortright, Joseph, Lotte Langkilde, Mike Russell, Adrian Wallace, Bill Mudron.
In Economic Development Quarterly, vol. 28(4): 378–383. (with Jay Gatrell and Charles D. Yeager).
2014. "Sweetwater, Mountain Springs, and Great Lakes: A Hydro-geography of Beer Brands." In M. Patterson, N. Hoalst-Pullen (eds), The Geography of Beer: Regions, Environment, Societies. Pp. 89-98. New York: Springer, Amsterdam.
2014. "Blissful Devolution: Our Rolling Judgment Day." In James Norwine, ed., A World After Climate Change and Culture-shift. Pp. 327-349. Amsterdam: Springer.
2013. "Promoting phantasmal tourism for America's 'roads to hell' could help drive
rural economic development." USApp-American policy and politics. December 11, 2013.
2013. "Jeju Island, 'The Blessed Isle,' and Phantasmal Destination Tourism." Proceedings of the Second Annual International Jeju Island Studies Symposium (convened October 4, 2013). Pp.13-41. Jeju City, Korea: Jeju Development Institute.
2013. (with Dr. Deborah Che). "Alternative Tourism Geographies: Leveraging the Ironic
Case of Pennsylvania's Route 666 for Economic Development," Applied Geography 45: 109-118.
2012. The Architecture of Ideology: Neo-Confucian Imprinting on Cheju Island, Korea. [University of California Press, 1987]. First Edition Korean-language Translation, by Young-ja Ko (with revisions and updates by author). Jejudo, South Korea: JejuWoo-dang Public Library.
2012. “A Story about Mapping Gypsies (Romanies) in America.” Place and Culture: The Newsletter of the Cultural Geography Specialty Group of the
Association of American Geographers, Winter/Spring (January): 3, 18-9.
2011. “Review.”The Culture of Fengshui in Korea: an Exploration of East Asian Geomancy, by Hong-key Yoon. 2006. Geographical Review, 101, 4 (October):610-14.
2010. (with photographs by Carlo Gianferro). “The Magical Realism of Postmodern Gypsy Palaces.” Aether: the Journal of Media Geography. Volume 6 (Fall):37-47.
2010. “Geomancy.” Encyclopedia of Geography. Barney Warf, (ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Reference. Retrieved October 6, 2010
2010. “Extreme Geography.” Encyclopedia of Geography, Barney Warf (ed.). Thousand
Oaks: SAGE Reference. Retrieved October 6, 2010
2010. “Introduction.” In Gypsy Interiors, by Carlos Gianferro, Italy: Postcart Press. 4 pps., unnumbered (in English and Italian).
2009. (with Carlo Gianferro). “Prestige Mansions of the Affluent European Roma: Magnets
for Hatred?” In Proceedings of the 2009 East Lakes Division Association of American Geographers Conference
Proceedings, October 24. Dayton, Ohio. Compact disc format.
2009. “Review: Lola’s Luck: My Life among the California Gypsies, by Carol Miller.
Romani Studies. Series 5, 19, 2:185-190.
2009. “Orange Blossoms and Razor Wire: A Geographer’s Prison-Teaching Memorate.” Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers. Volume 71:31-53
2008. “Hwasun Memories.” Peace Island: The Journal of World Peace Island Policy and World Peace Tribunal. 4:50-55.
2008. “Review: Gypsy Architecture.” Renata Calzi and Patricio Corno (Edition Axel
Menges, 2007). Professional Geographer, 60, 4:583-586.
2008. “Korean Pungsu Maps and Nature’s Self-Organizing Principles.” In The Flow of Ideas and Institutions: Korea in the World and the World in Korea. Proceedings of the First Kyujanggak International Symposium on Korean Studies, Seoul
National University, October 16-17: 290-315.
2008. “Book Review: Land and Life: A Historical Geographical Exploration of Korea. Choe Yeong-jun. Trans. Sara Kim (Jain Publishing). Journal of Asian Studies 67, 3(August): 1100-1102.
2008. Rediscovering Hallasan: Jeju Island’s Traditional Landscapes of Sincerity, Mysticism
and Adventure. Jeju, Korea: World Association of Island Studies (WAIS). No longer available online
at [select publications/book series].
2008. "Berkeley School Genius: A Feng-shui Perspective." Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers. Volume 70: 28-44.
2008. (with Dr. Rena C. Gropper)."A Cyber-Ethnographic Foray into GR&T Photo Blogs."
2008. Romani Studies, Series 5, 18,1(June):39-70.
2008. "Review: Gypsy Architecture by Renata Calzi, Patricio Corno and Carlos Gianferro. (Edition Axel Menges, 2007).
Romani Studies, Series 5,18(June):96-99.
“Review: Why Geography Matters: Three Challenges Facing America: Climate Change, the Rise of
China, and Global Terrorism by Harm de Blij (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005). The Geographical Journal,
174, 1 (March):87-88.
“Toledo’s Mystical Map: A Fengshui Examination.” 2007-2008. Toledo City Paper (December 26-January 8):8. Available online at
"Blame Walt Rostow: The Sacrifice of South Korea's Natural Villages." 2008. In Timothy
R. Tangherlini and Sallie Yea, ed. Sitings: Critical Approaches to Geography in Korea. Pp. 83-97. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, Center for Korean Studies Monograph
"Review: Hard as the Rock Itself: Place and Identity in the American Mining Town." 2007. David Robertson (University Press of Colorado, 2006). Professional Geographer 59 4 (November): 558-9.
"Reviews: The Role of The Romanies: Images and Counter-Images of 'Gypsies'/Romanies in European
Cultures." 2006. Nicholas Saul and Susan Tebbutt, eds. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 32, 7 (September):1251-52.
"DX: Gypsies (Romanies) and Travelers." 2006. Exhibit brochure. University of Toledo
Carlson Library exhibit, June-September. Now online.
"DX: Gypsies (Romanies) and Travelers." 2006. Chief development consultant for the
website exhibit. University of Toledo (Ohio) Carlson Library. See above.
"Ideology." 2006. In Barney Warf (ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Sage Publications.
"Humboldt in North Africa." 2005. In: Homenaje a Alejandro de Humboldt. Literatura
de viajes desde y hacia Latinoamérica, siglos XV-XXI / Homage to Alexander von Humboldt.
Travel Literature to and from Latin America XV through XXI centuries. ACTAS (Junio/June
18-22, 2001), Arcata/Oaxaca . pp.130-136.
“Book Review.” 2005. Gypsy and Traveller Ethnicity: The Social Generation of an Ethnic Phenomenon, by Brian A. Belton (Routledge, 2005). Romani Studies 5, 15:200-2004.
“Book Review:” 2005. Questioning Gypsy Identity: Ethnic Narratives in Britain and America By Brian A. Belton (AltaMira Press, 2005). Romani Studies, 5, 15 200-204.
“Book Review.” 2004. Gypsy Identities 1500-2000: From Egipcyans and Moon-men to the Ethnic Romany, by David Mayall. 2004 (London: Routledge.) In Romani Studies, Series 5, vol. 14, no.1 (June):111-115.
“The Profound Problem of Locating Humanity: The Significance and Implications of Feng-shui.”
2003. In Barney Warf, Don Janelle, and Kathy Hanson (eds.), Worldminds: Geographical Perspectives on 100 Problems. Pp. 601-6. Netherlands: Klewer Academic Publishers.
“Book Review.” 2003. Geography Inside Out, by Richard Symanski/Korski. NY: Syracuse University Press. California Geographer, 43:113-17.
“Film Review.” 2003. "Suspino: Cry for Roma.” Newsletter of the Gypsy Lore Society.
26, 4 (November): 5-6.
“Blame Walt Rostow for Miss Som Rasmey’s Acid Bath.” 2003. Geographical Bulletin, 45, 2 (November): 114-20. View at Geographical Bulletin
“Geography of the Koreas.” 2003. Tune In Korea: Geography and Society Readings. Asia Society.
The Gypsy-American: An Ethnogeography. 2002. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
“The Significance of Cheju Island Feng-shui.” 2001. Proceedings of the Tamna Culture Research Institute Conference on Feng-shui. Pp. 1-11. November. Tamna Culture Research Institute, Cheju National University.
Republished in Tamla Munhwa 22 (2002): 34-38.
“The End of the Re(li)gion.“ 2000. North American Geographer. 2,1(Spring):1-8
“Hubcap Commitment and Madcap Morality: Encouraging Signs along Postmodern Paths of
Uncertainty.” 2000. In James Norwine and Jonathan Smith (eds.), Worldview Flux: Perplexed Values among Postmodern Peoples, pp. 233-250. Latham, MD: Lexington Books.
With David Kaplan. 1999. “Absurdist Cartography.” 1999. California Geographer. 4-6.
With David Kaplan. 1999. “The Dada Millennium Map.” 1999. Map supplement to the California Geographer.
With Deborah J. Keirsey. 1999. “Elaboration on the Nature of Woody Debris: An Ethical
Snag in the Aesthetic Justification for Organized River Cleanup.” Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers. Volume 61:86-107.
"Pigsty Privies in Prehistory? A Korean Analog for Neolithic Chinese Subsistence Practices."
1998. In Sarah Nelson (ed.), Ancestors For the Pigs. Pigs in Prehistory. MASCA (Museum Applied Science Center For Archaeology), Research Papers in Science
and Archaeology. Volume 15. Pp.11-26. Philadelphia, PA: Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology
and Anthropology.
"Geographic Gateways to Seeing and Understanding Korea." 1998. Education About Asia. 3,1 (Spring):47-51.
"Extreme Geography." 1997. California Geographer. 37:10-31.
"Materials of an 'Undisciplined' Social Science." 1996. Review Article: William Lockwood
and Sheila Salo (eds.), Gypsies and Travelers in North America: An Anotated Bibliography (1994) and Diane Tong (ed.), Gypsies: An Annotated Bibliography (1995). In Current Anthropology 37,1 (February):179-181.
"Nomadi Fornitori di Servizi: Signori Temporanei di Mercati Imperfetti." 1995. In
Leonardo Piasere (ed.), Comunitá Girovaghe, Comunitá Zingare. Pp.231-350. Napoli, Italy: Liguori Editore. In Italian.
"Discussion and Criticism: The Importance of Pigs in Neolithic Shandong [China]."
1995. Current Anthropology. 36,2 (April):292-293.
"Korea." 1995. The Asian American Encyclopedia. Volume 2. Pp. 841-844. Marshall Cavendish, Publishers.
"Feng Shui." 1995. The Asian American Encyclopedia. Volume 2. Pp. 414-416. New York: Marshall Cavendish, Publishers.
"Enlightened Underdevelopment." 1994. The Spirit and Power of Place: Human Environment and Sacrality: Essays Dedicated to
Yi-Fu Tuan.. In Rana P.B. Singh (ed.). Pps: 87-100. Varanasi, India: NGSI Publications No. 41.
Concurrently published under same title in National Geographical Journal of India 40,1-4:87-100.
"Irving Brown: The American Borrow?" 1994. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. Fifth Series 4,1(February):7-31.[Note: this article compares and contrasts two major
English-language travel-adventure authors who have featured ethnic Gypsies in their
"A Cross-Cultural Cosmographic Interpretation of Some Korean Geomancy Maps." 1993.
Cartographica 30,1(Spring):85-97.
With Arthur A. Costantino. 1993. "Enhancing the Built Environment To Promote Multiculturalism:
A Collaborative Project." Journal of College Student Development. 34(July):310-11.
"Kolisuch'ok." 1993. In Levison, David and Paul Hockings (eds.), Encyclopedia of World Cultures: Vol. 5; East and Southeast Asia. Pp. 141-144. Boston: G. K. Hall.
"Comment: Neo-Confucianism and the East Asian Martial Arts." 1992. Journal of Asian Martial Arts. 1,4:44-49.
Principal author, along with Samuel Attoh and William Muraco. 1992. "Background and Progress in Planning a Built Environment That Promotes Multiculturalism." Journal of Planning Education and Research 12,1 (Fall) 80-85.
"The Dogleg at Frank's Cutacross."1992. In Donald G. Janelle, (ed.), Geographical
Snapshots of North America. Pp. 255-258. New York: The Guilford Press.
"A Case Study of Rom Gypsy Residential Mobility in the United States." 1991. In Robin
Datel and Dennis J. Dingemans (eds.), Yearbook of Pacific Coast Geographers. Vol. 53:131-154. Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University Press. (Invited revised
version of citation below)
"A Case Study of Rom Gypsy Residential Mobility in the United States." 1991. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Series 5, vol. 1, no. 2 (March), pp. 21-43.
"Feng-shui As Terrestrial Astrology in Traditional China and Korea." 1991. In James
Swan, ed., Power of Place: Sacred Ground in Natural & Human Environments. Pp. 215-234. Wheaton, Ill.: Quest Books.
with C. Howard Richardson. 1991. "Hurricane-Borne African Locusts [Schistocerca gregaria]
in the Windward Islands." Geojournal. (April), pp. 349-357.
"Field Notes from 1970: A Kris in River City." 1990. In Matt T. Salo (ed.), 100 Years of Gypsy Studies, pp. 117-136. Cheverly, Md.: The Gypsy Lore Society. Republished, in Hungarian, for
edited book (2000).
"A Study of the Interactions of Human, Pig and Human Pork Tapeworm [Taenia solium ]." 1989.Anthrozoos. 3,1(Summer), pp 4-13.
Papers From the Eighth and Ninth Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society, North American
Chapter. 1988. Desilva, Cara; Grumet, Joanne; Nemeth, David J. (editors). New York: Gypsy
Lore Society, Publication No. 4. 1988.
"The Walking Tractor: Trojan Horse in the Cheju Island Landscape." 1988. Korean Studies
12 (1988), pp 14-38. Republished in Tamla Munhwa, 10 (1990):1-28.
"Cultural Response to Ocean Influences and Coastal Settlement: A Geopsychological
Interpretation." 1988, Michigan Academician., 20,4(Fall), pp. 487-498.
"Prester John and the Gypsies." In Joanne Grumet (ed.). Papers From the Eighth and
Ninth Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society, North American Chapter. Pps. 139-142.
New York: Gypsy Lore Society, Publication No. 4, 1988.
"Notes on Some Early Western Travellers on Cheju Island" Tamla Munhwa 7:153-180. Cheju City, R.O.K.: Tamla Culture Research Institute of Cheju National
University, 1988.
The Architecture of Ideology: Neo-Confucian Imprinting on Cheju Island, Korea. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1987. 323 pps.
"Patterns of Genesis Among Peripatetics: Preliminary Notes From the Korean Archipelago."
In Aparna Rao (ed.), The Other Nomads: Peripatetic Minorities in Cross-Cultural Perspective, pp. 159-178. Koln; Wien: Bohlau, 1987.
"Service Nomads: Interim Masters of Imperfect Markets." In Joseph Berland and Matt
T. Salo (eds.). Peripatetic Peoples: An Overlooked Adaptation. Pp. 135-152. Special edition of Nomadic Peoples 21/22. Commission on Nomadic Peoples, 1986.
"The Gypsy Motif." In Joanne Grumet (ed.), Papers from the Sixth and Seventh Annual
Meetings, Gypsy Lore Society, pp.114-122. New York: Gypsy Lore Society, Publication
No. 3, 1986.
"To Preserve What Might Otherwise Perish." In Joanne Grumet (ed.), Papers from the Sixth and Seventh Annual Meetings, Gypsy Lore Society, pp. 5-16. New York: Gypsy Lore Society, Publication No. 3, 1986.
"Cheju Island's Pigsty-Privies: The Architecture of Sincerity." Landscape 28,3 (1985), 15-21.
"The Remote Sensing Facilities at Cheju National University: Rationale and Development."
Cheju National University Faculty Research Journal, Social Sciences 20 (1985), 197-216.
“Problems in the Interpretation of Literature: Semiotics and the Social Reality of
the Gypsy.” Helicon (Journal of the Cheju National University [South Korea] Department of English). Vol. 1 (1985):39-52.
"The Wanderer's Gain is the Citizen's Loss: Scholars, Barbers and a Traditional Chinese
Attitude About Traveling as a Mode of Life." In Joanne Grumet (ed.). Papers from the Fourth and Fifth Annual Meetings of the Gypsy Lore Society, pp. 28-37. New York: Gypsy Lore Society, Publication Number 2, 1985.
"Prolegomenon to a Geographic Study on the Subjective Quality of Inner-city Space."
Cheju National University Faculty Research Journal, Social Sciences 19 (1984),151-162.
"The Lifting-Stones of Cheju Island." Korean Culture 5,1 (March 1984), 30-33.
"Bat and Ball." (A Rom Gypsy Oral History). Newsletter of the Gypsy Lore Society, North American Chapter, 6,4 (Autumn 1983), 1,4.
"Graven Images and Cosmic Landscape on Cheju Island." Korean Culture 4,1 (March 1983), 4-19.
With Ernst-G. Niemann. "Siegfried Genthe's Cheju Odyssey." Journal of Asian Culture (1982), 74-103.
"A Gypsy Wipe-Tinner and His Work." Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Fourth Series, 2,1 (1982), 31-52.
"Gypsy Taskmasters, Gentile Slaves." In Matt T. Salo (ed.). The American Kalderas: Gypsies and the New World., pp. 29-41. Hackettstown, N.J.: Gypsy Lore Society, 1981.
"Bright Yard Maps from Cheju Island." Landscape 25,2 (1981), 20-21.
"Gypsy Studies in the Far East." Newsletter of the Gypsy Lore Society, 3,3 (Summer 1980), 1,6.
"'Gypsy Camp' 1949." Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Fourth Series, 1,3 (1979) 181-186.
"Gypsy Justice in America." 1976. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Fourth Series, 1, 1: 1-11. Republished in Hungarian, for edited book (2000).
“Nomad Gypsies in Los Angeles: Patterns of Livelihood.” 1970. Unpublished Master thesis,
Department of Geography, San Fernando Valley State College (now California State University,
Northridge, CA).
"Who Are Our Gypsy Neighbors." 1969. Los Angeles Department of Human Relations.
*Supplementary to the above, additional published book reviews include:
David Sibley, Outsiders in Urban Societies
Michael O. Jones, People Studying People
David E. Kaplan and Alec Dubro, Yakuza
Larry L. Burmeister, Research, Realpolitik, and Development in Korea;
Clark W. Sorensen, Over the Mountains Are Mountains
David Speirs, Pavee Pictures
Rachel Guglielmo, Milyen út vár rájuk? The Gypsy Road
Bret Wallach, Losing Asia
(Complete citations are available on request)