Center for International Studies and Programs

GAP Department FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions by Departments about Graduate Access Program (GAP)

For full details of the program description, please visit the GAP site.

Q.1 - Is the GAP run every year?

Yes. The GAP program operates by the American Language Institute (ALI) calendar. Students can take GAP courses in any of the five ALI terms year-round. For specific dates, see ALI calendar.

Q.2 - Who checks students’ language test (TOEFL/IELTS, etc.) scores?

The College of Graduate Studies (COGS) checks the student's initial language test score. If a student submits a GAP application concurrently with other application materials, COGS will send all other application materials to the department for preliminary review.

Q.3 - What’s the department’s role in the decision process?

After receiving a student’s application from COGS, the department will review all collected materials except for the proof of language proficiency. If the student is admissible to the applied graduate program, the department will make the conditional admission decision.

Q.4 - What’s the admission status of a student in the GAP?

A student in the GAP is officially admitted to the ALI with F-1 student status. After successfully completing the GAP program, the student can apply for level change and get admission to the graduate program by COGS.

Q.5 – Is the proposed GAP only limited to language proficiency training or other test (GMAT & GRE) training?

The GAP is exclusively developed to support international applicants’ language proficiency. The requirement and examination of other test scores, such as GMAT and GRE, are determined by the department.

Q.6 - Who pays for the tuition in the GAP program? Is it included in the Graduate Assistantship?

No. Because a student in the GAP is admitted to ALI first, the tuition will be student self-funded.  The offering of GA-ship does not have direct connection with the GAP. Some international students may self-fund or have other sponsors for their graduate program tuition anyway.

Q.7 – Is the participation of GAP department based or program based?

The participation of GAP is program based. If a student applies to a graduate program with superior language proficiency requirements such as linguistics, the department makes the final decision if considering an applicant admitted to the GAP. 

Last Updated: 7/16/24