Doctor of Physical Therapy Program

Financing Your DPT Education

The tuition and general fees for the DPT program at UToledo are below, and can be found at  There may also be other fees associated with the university and college (orientation, graduation, and technology). 

Semester Term

In-State Tuition




Summer-Yr 1





Fall-Yr 1





Spring-Yr 1





Summer-Yr 2





Fall-Yr 2





Spring-Yr 2





Summer-Yr 3





Fall-Yr 3










Grand Total






Semester Term

Out of State




Summer-yr 1





Fall-yr 1





Spring-yr 1





Summer-yr 2





Fall-yr 2





Spring-yr 2





Summer-yr 3





Fall-yr 3










Grand Total





 *There are also various other fees associated with the college (technology fees) and with specific courses that have laboratory experiences (lab fees).

Other costs related to the DPT program include individual evaluation tools each student is expected to purchase, textbooks, etc. These costs are typically $1,500.00 for the first two years. The costs during the third year are primarily associated with clinical internships and can vary depending on travel to and from the clinical site and housing needs. An additional cost in the 3rd year is the application for licensure. The National PT Examination costs approximately $485 and then states charge a fee to be licensed in their state. The fee for Ohio is $175.

Scholarships: The DPT Program has several one-time partial scholarships for which students can apply. These scholarships are for current DPT students and are based on academic performance, leadership, and self-reported financial need. The application process occurs during summer semester and the one time scholarships typically range from $1000-$4000. Students can re-apply for these scholarships each year.

Work Study Options: Each year, DPT students are given the opportunity to apply for one of several “student work study” positions in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, which houses the DPT Program. These positions are managed through the Student Financial Aid Office, which also establishes the hourly rate. The positions typically require students to work on average about 10 hours per week in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences. However, the total number of work hours allowed per year is dependent upon information in the student’s FAFSA and is determined by the Student Financial Aid Office.  

Graduate Assistantships: The College of Graduate Studies manages Graduate Assistantships (GA) for the various colleges in the University.  Although GA positions include a monetary stipend as well as a tuition waiver, they also require the graduate student to work 20 hours per week, primarily teaching in undergraduate courses.  The UToledo DPT program has received allocations for partial teaching GA positions in the DPT program.  These positions are open to only 2nd year students and entail assisting with laboratory teaching approximately 10 hours per week.  These positions will be announced early spring semester during the 1st year, and awarded based on student qualifications.      

Last Updated: 7/15/24