College of Law

Great Lakes Water Conference

24th annual great lakes water conference

"Climate Migration in the Great Lakes Region"

Friday, Nov. 8, 2024 | 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ET
Virtual Conference - Registration required

Climate-related migration is predicted to reach unprecedented levels in the coming decades. Because of its abundance of natural resources, including its access to fresh water, the Great Lakes region is poised to become a preferred destination for people relocating from less hospitable climates. Conference panelists will explore the legal, policy, and technical implications of climate migration generally, including any special challenges or opportunities that may be experienced in the Great Lakes region. This year’s conference will be conducted virtually as a live webinar.

The conference is sponsored by The University of Toledo College of Law and its affiliated Legal Institute of the Great Lakes.

Application has been approved for Ohio CLE credit from the Ohio Supreme Court Commission on Continuing Legal Education for 2.5 hours of CLE credit.

Registration is now closed. Registrants will receive an email with a link to the virtual conference a few days before the event.


    • Evan Zoldan, Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law
  • 9:35 a.m. – PANEL ONE
    • Shana Tabak, Director of Immigration Strategy, The Emerson Collective
      • "Climate Migration’s Untapped Potential in the Great Lakes"
    • Beth Gibbons, Director of the Resiliency Office, Washtenaw County, Mich
      • "Preparing the Great Lakes Region for Equitable Growth in a Changing Climate"
    • Keith Hirokawa, Distinguished Professor of Law, Albany Law School
      • "The Climate Moratorium"
  • 10:55 a.m. – BREAK
  • 11:00 a.m. – PANEL TWO 
    • Cinnamon Carlarne, President and Dean, Albany Law School
      • "Climate Havens"
    • Scott Kalafatis, Deputy University Director of the Northwest Climate Adaption Science Center, University of Washington
      • "Climate Migration and the Challenge of Transformative Climate Adaptation"
  • 12:20 p.m. - CLOSING REMARKS


Explore speaker biographies

CLE Materials

Previous Conferences

Historically, water law has been the province of lawyers and policymakers in the arid western United States. In recent years, however, lawmakers in the Great Lakes region have come to recognize the critical role that water management plays in securing a healthy and vibrant society over the long term. In recognition of this development, the College of Law and the Legal Institute of the Great Lakes sponsor annual conferences each fall on water issues of importance to the Great Lakes region and the nation. For more information, explore the conference brochure links below.

Last Updated: 11/13/24