University Libraries

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility

At the University Libraries, we are committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.  To this end, we provide the learning facilities and resources in support of individual and collaborative learning, free exchange of ideas, and continued dialogue.  Our mission is to drive excellence in life-long learning, discovery, and engagement.  Within a collaborative, multicultural,  and interdisciplinary environment, we enrich the student learning experience, facilitate research and teaching at all levels and engage the community through innovative and accessible services, resources, and technologies. 

University of Toledo Strategic Plan for Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity

University of Toledo Libraries Strategic Plan for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, 2021-26 (updated 8/15/22)

university libraries committee for DIVERSITY, equity, and inclusion

Committee charge: The charge of this committee shall be to facilitate progress on the objectives in the University Libraries’ diversity plan; coordinate DEIA events at the University of Toledo libraries; communicate other DEIA-related professional development opportunities to empoyees of the library; report on plan progress to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion; and to revise the diversity plan as needed and present these revisions to library administration for approval. 

Scope: Monitor progress and inform library administration on achieving diversity, equity, inclusion, cultural competency, social justice, and ensuring accessibility of facilities, resources, employment opportunities, and services.   

Structure: Appointed by the Dean of the College of University Libraries, the Inclusion Officer is a committee member as an Ex Officio. The DEIA Committee shall consist of two co-chairs, and at least 5 other members, which may include the Inclusion Officer. The committee is led by the chairs with additional roles designated for community liaisons and other voluntarily proposed roles including but not limited to events liaison, secretary, collections, outreach, webmaster, etc.  Except for the Inclusion Officer, who is appointed, all roles in the DEIA Committee are voluntary and non-elected although self/nominations and elections within the committee are welcome. Employees of any designation may serve in any role. 

Roles and Responsibilities 


Lead the Committee, schedule meetings, manage unit’s Diversity Plan, lead committee discussions, coordinate diversity events, and communicate updates to the Inclusion Officer and the University Library community. 

Inclusion Officer

Serve as the University Libraries’ representative to the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI); report all issues related to disparate treatment or bias for students, faculty, and staff to the ODEI; attend monthly Inclusion Officers meetings; remain engaged with the University Libraries DEIA Committee; obtain demographics data from Argos (IR Portal) for statistical purposes and attend the Library Dean Council’s regular meetings. Optional responsibilities: play any role in the Committee (secretary, webmaster, community liaison, etc.) and serve on unit search & onboarding committee(s). Anyone interested in serving as Inclusion Officer should communicate with the current Inclusion Officer and the Dean of University Libraries by the end of May. The Inclusion Officer shall resume chairing the committee if the position is vacated. 


Distribute meeting agendas, record meetings (and properly delete recordings), take notes for meeting minutes, and retain a copy in the common shared drive. 


Engage with other committees and specialists (e.g., Collections, library outreach, assessment, library events coordinator, Veterans, etc.), offices (e.g., Office of Accessibility, OMSS, etc.) to invite speakers, and plan events. These are not prescriptive or mandatory but voluntary roles or activities., Liaisons and other members may lead any initiatives and be recognized for support within the DEIA Committee. 

Length of Service 

  • Inclusion Officer: One-year appointment by the Dean of University Libraries, renewable 
  • Co-chairs: Two-year, staggered, renewable terms (for continuity and rotation of leadership) 
  • Other members: One year, renewable, membership is expected for the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). 

Inclusion Officer & DEI Committee Chair (2023-24)

  • Derek Wilmott, Acquisitions and Collection Management Librarian, Assistant Professor

Committee Members (2023-24)

  • Ali Coleman, Cataloging Librarian
  • Jennifer Joe, Assistant Professor, Undergraduate Engagement Librarian
  • Judson Lohman, Event Coordinator
  • John Napp, Associate Professor, Engineering Librarian
  • Gerald Natal, Associate Professor, Health and Human Services Librarian
  • Arjun Sabharwal, Professor, Digital Initiatives Librarian
  • Derek Wilmott, Assistant Professor, Acquisition & Collection Management Librarian, Committe Chair and Inclusion Officer
Last Updated: 7/15/24