1980 - 1989 Graduates
David J. Barton, Ph.D. 1989 Major Advisor: Dr. Dorothea Sawicki
Last known position: Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, University of
Colorado at Denver Anschutz Medical Campus, PO Box ;6511, MS 8333, Aurora, CO 80045
Tel: 303-724-4224
URL: http://uchsc.digitalassetsinc.com/Faculty/Barton.php
Awards and Honors while a Graduate Student:
- 1986 Dr. Liberato J.A. DiDio Award for Excellence in Graduate Research
- 1987 Dr. Liberato J.A. DiDio Award for Excellence in Graduate Research
- 1988 Dr. Liberato J.A. DiDio Award for Excellence in Graduate Research
- 1989 Dr. Liberato J.A. DiDio Award for Excellence in Graduate Research
- 1989 Dean's Award for Outstanding Graduate Student
Scott A. Whalen, Ph.D. in Biology 1984 Major Advisor: Dr. Stanley Sawicki
Thesis title: Replication of human adenovirus Type 2 in different kinds of human
and monkey cells
Last known position: CEO, St. Vincent's HealthCare, 1 Shircliff Way, Jacksonville,
FL 32204
Tel: 904-308-7300
email: scott.whalen@jaxhealth.com
Gayle E. Woloschak, Ph.D. in Biology 1981 Major Advisor: Dr. David Senitzer
Thesis title: B-Cell Responses in Autoimmune Mice: Antibody Production and Polyclonal
Last known position: Gayle E. Woloschak, Professor, Department of Radiology, Center for Genetic Medicine,
Northwestern University, 676 N. Saint Clair St., Suite 1260, Chicago, IL 60611
Tel: 312-503-5600
E-mail: g-woloschak@northwestern.edu URL: http://www.cgm.northwestern.edu/faculty_bios/woloschak.htm