Transmission Electron Microscopy Core Lab
Utilizing the Thermo Fisher Talos L120c transmission electron microscope, The Transmission Electron Microscopy Core Facility provides complete sample processing and imaging services to all UT investigators and outside entities. The Talos 120 can perform bright field, darkfield and STEM imaging. The scope is also equipped with an EDX system for element detection and mapping of non-biological samples. The core provides skilled processing and ultramicrotomy services for all projects large and small. Samples ranging from cells, tissues, bacterial and plant material can be accommodated. The core can also provide technical services for specialized projects.
Preparing your CELLS for TEM processing
Cells should be grown in a T75 flask. Smaller flasks are okay but will yield fewer blocks or smaller pellets.
- Cells should be around 75% confluent and show no signs of contamination.
- The EM core provides the fixative. Do not use formalin or PFA!
- Do not rinse with PBS. Do not trypsin cells.
- IMPORTANT: Place the waste glutaraldehyde in a 50ml tube and bring to room 003 for proper disposal. Glutaraldehyde is highly toxic. Please use proper PPE, work in the hood and follow safe lab practices.
Example protocol for preparing your cells for TEM
- Remove the media from the flask.
- For cells in a T75, add 6ml glutaraldehyde. For cells in a T25, add 3ml glutaraldehyde to the flask and gently rock flask to wash the cells.
- Gently remove glutaraldehyde and place in empty 50ml tube.
- Replace same volume of fresh glutaraldehyde to your flask(s).
- Seal up flask(s) and simply bring them to the TEM prep lab in BHS #003 for proper safe disposal.
It is requested that you fix and deliver your cells to the prep lab on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday afternoon during the week of your project.
Preparing your TISSUE for TEM processing
- Tissue should be freshly prepared and placed in glutaraldehyde as soon as possible after the tissue has been separated from the blood supply.
- The EM core provides the fixative. Do not use formalin or PFA!
- IMPORTANT: Place the waste glutaraldehyde in a 50ml tube and bring to room 003 for proper disposal. Glutaraldehyde is highly toxic. Please use proper PPE, work in the hood and follow safe lab practices.
It is requested that you fix and deliver your samples to the prep lab on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday afternoon during the week of your project.

For questions or inquiries contact Jennifer Kalisz by email or 419.383.3592