College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Mission and Core Values

The University of Toledo Mission:

The mission of The University of Toledo is to improve the human condition; to advance knowledge through excellence in learning, discovery and engagement; and to serve as a diverse, student-centered public metropolitan research university.

NSM Advising Office Mission:

The NSM Advising office supports learning and development in the natural sciences and mathematics programs at UToledo. As an academic advising office, we provide our undergraduates with the information and guidance necessary for success at UToledo through the coordination of student support, including faculty, staff and campus resources.

Our Core Values:

We recognize that each student has a unique background and individual needs and aspirations. By taking a holistic advising approach:

  • We strive for consistent, honest and respectful interactions with our students, cultivating positive and supportive relationships.
  • We understand and educate our students about academic policies and departmental/major information to provide accurate and efficient services on their path toward graduation.
  • We encourage and empower our students to be their own strongest advocate by providing the necessary tools and information to make important independent decisions at UToledo and beyond.
  • We value each students' chosen field of study and motivate enthusiasm and investment in their educational career.

Last Updated: 7/15/24