College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Undergraduate Policies and Procedures

All policies and procedures of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics are in accordance with the policies of the University of Toledo. Please refer to the University Policy Website for academic policies that apply to all undergraduate students.

The University of Toledo Office of the Registrar
Forms (petitions, requests, add/drop, etc.)

Advanced Placement (AP)

The University of Toledo awards college credit for students who have taken AP exams in various subjects and have earned scores of 3 or higher. Students should request their scores be sent to UToledo at the time they take the exams. If scores were not sent to UToledo after the original examinations, please use the College Board website to request them. The University of Toledo AP Code is 1845. (Back to top ⇈)

Adding or Dropping a Course

Add/Drop Period: The first 15 calendar days of a semester. Students have until the 15th calendar day of each semester to process schedule adjustments, such as Adding or Dropping classes, and/or opting to Audit a course, or take a course on a Pass/No Credit basis. Any term which varies from a regularly scheduled academic term will have a prorated add/drop period based on the length of term, i.e., part of terms or summer terms.

Adding A Course: A student may add a course up to the end of the 5th calendar day of a new semester without the instructor's signature if there is an empty seat in the course. If a student wishes to add a class between the 6th and 15th inclusive calendar day of a semester, the student must obtain the instructor's signature on a Course Request Form and submit to Rocket Solution Central (RSC) in RH 1200 or email to to enroll in that course.

Dropping A Course:  A student may drop a course at the beginning of the term during the drop period with no record appearing on the student's transcript. After the drop period has ended for a term, a student may choose to withdraw from a course during the withdrawal period. Refer to the Add, Drop and Withdrawal page for specific deadlines. (Back to top ⇈)

Grade Point Average (GPA):

UToledo Cumulative GPA: A UToledo student's cumulative grade point average is computed by dividing the total number of quality hours into the total number of quality points earned, including F grades for all repeated courses that have not been approved for deletion on the basis of petition by the student (see GPA Recalculation for a Repeated Course).

Higher Education GPA: A student's higher education (overall) grade point average includes all work taken at all institutions of higher education, including the UToledo grade point average (not adjusted by Grade Deletions or the Academic Forgiveness Policy).

Major GPA: To obtain a degree or certificate in an undergraduate program, the student must have the proper number of credit hours in the courses required for the degree and a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0. Grade point average requirements may be higher in certain colleges and in certain majors; this information is available in the individual college listings in the General Catalog. (Back to top ⇈)

Repeated Courses

Credit for most repeated courses will count only once toward degree requirements. Grades for all attempts at a course will appear on a student's transcript. They will count toward the UToledo Grade Point Average unless the student has passed the repeated course with a higher grade and has processed a GPA Recalculation. (Back to top ⇈)

GPA Recalculation Form for a repeated class: Find the Petition for GPA Recalculation on the myUT portal (Student Tab > My Records > Petition for GPA Recalculation)

A student may repeat the same course at UToledo to attempt to earn a higher grade. If the student earns a higher grade in the repeated course, the student may petition to have the first grade excluded from the UToledo grade point average computation. The original course will remain on the student's transcript, but the transcript will show that the original grade has been removed from the grade point average. No more than a total of 18 semester hours of coursework may be recalculated. The policy applies ONLY to the first recorded grade in a course which a student has repeated. Grades of NC, I, W, IW, DR, IE, NE, NR, PC, PE, PS and PR cannot be excluded under this policy because they have no effect on the GPA calculation. Grades of UToledo courses may be recalculated only by repeating a UToledo course. Transfer courses may not be used for the purpose of grade recalculations. Note: This policy does not apply to Graduate Studies.

An NSM student who wishes to petition for a GPA recalculation for a repeated course should complete the Undegraduate Petition for a GPA Recalculation form, found on the student tab of their MyUT portal. (Back to top ⇈)

Audit Grade Option (AU)
The notation AU appears on the student's record when he or she enrolls in a course for audit. AU is not a grade, and no credit is granted. An auditor is not required to complete assignments or tests, nor is the instructor required to grade any of the student's work in the course. A student taking a course not for credit pays the same as a course being taken for credit. Financial Aid does not pay for audited courses.

Students electing to audit a course must declare their intention by selecting AU when registering for the course via their MyUT portal or in person at Rocket Solution Central in RH 1200. Students who decide to audit after the initial registration period have until the 15th calendar day of the term (or the end of add/drop period) to select the audit option. (Back to top ⇈)

Pass/No Credit (PS/NC) Grade Option
Students may elect to enroll in certain undergraduate courses for PS/NC rather than an A-F grade. If the PS/NC option is chosen, a grade of C or better will be recorded as PS; grades of C-, D+, D, D- and F will be recorded as NC. Grades of PS and NC do not affect a student's GPA. Once a student has opted for a Pass/No Credit grade, and has been approved by the college, the student cannot have the grade reversed no matter how well a student does in a particular class.

Most departments do not allow students to take courses in the major or related area as PS/NC, and many departments do not allow PS/NC grading in their minors. Students should consult their faculty advisor before electing to take a course PS/NC.

To take a class PS/NC, Natural Sciences and Mathematics students can file a Petition for Pass/No Credit Grade and submit to for review and processing by the withdrawal date for the part of term. (Back to top ⇈)

After the 15th calendar day of a semester through the Friday of the 10th calendar week, a student can officially withdraw from a course. Withdrawing from a course(s) will result in a grade of "W”, which will appear on a student’s official transcript. Once a withdrawal is processed, it cannot be rescinded. Based on the date of withdrawal, fees may or may not be adjusted. Since withdrawn courses reduce enrolled hours, withdrawing from courses may have an adverse effect on financial aid benefits, scholarships, loan deferments, athletic eligibility, health insurance, veteran’s benefits, degree requirements or other areas. If you are uncertain what effect withdrawing from the course(s) would have, contact Rocket Solution Central and your academic advisor for guidance.

Withdrawals can be processed online through the myUT portal (provided there are no holds on a student’s account), and can also be processed at Rocket Solution Central in RH 1200 regardless of having a hold. Instructor’s permission is not required to withdraw from class(es), however courses with co-requisites require approval from the department offering the course using the Petition for Withdrawal Form. Failure to drop or withdrawal from a course for which a student has stopped attending may result in a grade of "F".  Specific drop and withdrawal dates for a term are listed on The Office of the Registrar’s website.  (Back to top ⇈)

Please refer to the University Policy Website for further information on Academic Good Standing, Academic Alert, Academic Warning and Academic Suspension.

Academic Dishonesty
As the university holds students responsible for what constitutes academic dishonesty, if students are uncertain, they should seek their instructor's advice. The following are examples, but academic dishonesty is not limited to only these:

  • Plagiarism: representing the words, ideas or information of another person as one's own and not giving proper documentation;
  • Giving or receiving, prior to an examination, any unauthorized information about the exam;
  • Referring to or displaying any unauthorized information inside or outside an examination room during the course of an examination;
  • Communicating with another unauthorized person during the course of an examination concerning the examination or any part of it;
  • Giving or receiving substantive aid during the course of an examination;
  • Commencing an examination before the stipulated time or continuing to work on an examination after the announced conclusion of an examination;
  • Taking, converting, concealing, defacing, damaging, or destroying any property related to the preparation or completion of assignments, research or examinations;
  • Submitting the same written work to fulfill the requirements of more than one course. (Back to top ⇈)

Academic Forgiveness

Refer to the UToledo Policy Website for further information on Academic Forgiveness.

Academic Grievance

If a student feels that there has been some problem or grievance in a course, that student needs to follow the college procedure for determining student grievances:

  • Student must meet with the instructor first to discuss the problem. The exceptions to this first step involve sexual or other forms of harassment.
  • Meet with the Department Chair if the student is unable to settle the grievance with the instructor.
  • Meet with the Associate Dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics if the meeting with the Department Chair did not settle the grievance. The Associate Dean will discuss the problem with the student and seek information from the Department Chair and the instructor before making recommendations to resolve the grievance.
  • Petition the NSM Council Committee on Academic Grievance if no resolution has been reached in the previous meetings. The petition the student presents must be written and contain a detailed statement of the reasons for the grievance.
  • Appeal to the University Student Grievance Council as final step if no resolution has been reached in the previous steps. The University Student Grievance Council stipulates the timeline for the grievance process. A grievance petition must be filed with the chair of the student grievance council no later than the last day of classes in the next semester.
  • Each college grievance step is allowed 15 workdays (three calendar weeks excluding holidays), which include 10 workdays (two calendar weeks excluding holidays) for replies to inquiry from previous steps. If these deadlines are not met by any of the individual steps, resolution at that step will be considered unsatisfactory and the student is allowed to proceed to the next step in the grievance process. (Back to top ⇈)

Change of College

Students in good academic standing who want to switch from a different UToledo undergraduate college to a major in Natural Science and Mathematics can schedule an appointment with an advisor in the NSM Advising Office. Appointments can be requested by emailing (Back to top ⇈)

Graduation Procedures


Students in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics who have been away from UToledo for two consecutive terms (excluding summer) and did not attend another institution may be readmitted, provided they were eligible to continue enrollment in the college at the time they discontinued attendance. Such students should apply as a Readmit student by submitting the online Application for Undergraduate Readmission through the Adult and Transfer Admissions website (

Readmission from Suspension

Students suspended from the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics who have not been away from UToledo for two consecutive terms and did not attend another accredited institution must email a readmission request to the NSM Advising Office at The request should include the student’s Rocket Number, contact information, the semester they plan to return and intended major. Students should also clear all account holds and verify with financial aid status and eligibility for the semester they wish to return.

Former suspended students in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics who have been away from UToledo for two consecutive terms (excluding summer) and did not attend another accredited institution must complete the online Application for Undergraduate Readmission through the Adult and Transfer Admissions website (

Transfer Readmission

Former UToledo students who have taken courses at another accredited institution/university are required to reapply as a transfer/readmit student through the Office of Adult and Transfer Admissions office.


Last Updated: 12/19/24