Office of the Registrar


When can I see my grades?
Students can view assigned grades online after grades are rolled from the Faculty Final Grade Worksheet to Student Academic History by the Registrar’s Office. The process of rolling grades into Academic History is done nightly, Monday through Friday, throughout the grading period.

I am an instructor. When do I submit grades?
Grades are submitted through the myUT portal. Use the chart on the faculty/staff page to see when online grading is available for the current term.

How can I get a copy of my grades?
Grade reports are not mailed to students at the end of each term; grades are available in the myUT portal. 

What happens to my GPA if I repeat a course?
Under certain conditions, students who have retaken a course and earned a higher grade may petition to have the first grade excluded from their grade point average. If the petition is approved, the Office of the Registrar will be notified, and the student's transcript will show the notation "Repeat (Excluded from GPA)" next to the original course. Find detailed information about that process here.

What do my grades mean?
If you believe your grade for a course is in error, contact the instructor of the classas soon as possible to discuss the grade.

Grade Descriptions
A Achievement of Outstanding quality. 4.00 quality points for each credit hour
A- Achievement of slightly less than outstanding quality. 3.67 quality points for each credit hour
B+ Achievement of slightly more than high quality. 3.33 quality points for each credit hour
B Achievement of high quality. 3.00 quality points for each credit hour
B- Achievement of slightly less than high quality. 2.67 quality points for each credit hour
C+ Work of slightly more than acceptable quality. 2.33 quality points for each credit hour
C Work of acceptable quality. 2.00 quality points for each credit hour
C- Work of slightly less than acceptable quality. 1.67 quality points for each credit hour
D+ Work slightly below the quality expected. 1.33 quality points for each credit hour
D Below the quality expected. 1.00 quality points for each credit hour
D- Barely above failing. .67 quality points for each credit hour
F Failure 0.0 quality points for each credit hour

If you get an F for a course, do not take the next course in a series.
S Satisfactory. (graduate and professional courses only) No effect on grade point average.
IN Incomplete. Requirements for the course have not been met. An IN grade will not be considered in computing the student's GPA. DO NOT RE-REGISTER FOR THIS COURSE. Check with your instructor to see what needs to be done to complete the requirements. These requirements must be completed before the end of the term following the term in which the IN grade was received; otherwise the IN grade will update to the default grade assigned by the instructor when submitting the IN. Student may request a one-semester extension.
PS or NC

Pass/No Credit.  A number of classes have a Pass/No Credit option.  Generally, courses in your major or related work cannot be taken Pass/No credit.  Ask your advisor or check the University Catalog.

Beginning January 2025, a grade of D- or better is posted as PS. A grade of F is posted as NC.

Effective 1970 April to 2024 December, a grade of C or better posted as a PS.  A grade of a C- or lower posted as NC.  

A grade of PS or NC does not affect a student's GPA. 





Special grades for Spring 2020:

Pass (PC ). Awarded where a grade of C or better has been earned (credit earned, GPA not affected);

Pass (PE ). Awarded where a grade of C-, D+, D or D- has been earned (credit earned, GPA not affected);

No Credit (NE ). Awarded where a grade of F has been earned (no credit earned, GPA not affected);

Incomplete (IE). Unique incomplete grade code used for Spring 2020.

In Spring 2020, students had the option to convert letter grades to pass/no credit grades based on the guidelines listed. These special grades are limited to the Spring 2020 semester.
W Withdrawal.  The student has formally withdrawn from a class by the end of the tenth week of the semester.*  



Graduate-level only. A grade of WP (withdrawal passing) or WF (withdrawal failing), according to the status of the student at the time of withdrawal, will be assigned to students who withdraw after the university established withdrawal period at the discretion of the instructor. The grade of WP will not be included in the GPA calculation. A grade of WF indicates that a student’s work is unsatisfactory (grade of less than C), and will be included in the GPA calculation as a grade of F.

Students may repeat courses with grades WF or U subject to the maximum credit hour repeat limitation.

IW Former Grade No Longer Issued: Instructor Withdrawal.   
PR Progress.  The student has independent study or special project in progress at the end of a semester. Grade of PR must be removed before student can graduate.
PRS or PRU Progress Satisfactory/Progress Unsatisfactory.  Interim grade types that can be assigned for research and special projects that may not be completed by the end of the grading period.  Assigned based on the students progress at the time the grade is issued. If not completed by the time of graduation the PRS grade can be administratively changed to a PS or S grade.  Likewise, a grade of PRU can be administratively changed to an F, NC or U grade.  Must be removed before student can graduate.
NR Instructor's grades were not available when grades were posted on the transcript.  Instructor should submit the final grade to the Registrar's Office using online grading and grade change submission.
CR Credit Earned  No effect on grade point average (GPA)
*Effective 2006 fall, withdrawal deadline changed from 8th week to 10th week for full session courses - prorated for shorter sessions.  

Have Questions?

Email for Main Campus Students
Email for Health Science Campus Students
Call Rocket Solution Central 419.530.8700
Monday - Wednesday and Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Thursday 10 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Visit Rocket Solution Central 1200 Rocket Hall
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Rocket Hall is located near the corner of Secor Rd. and Dorr St.
View Main Campus map.
Last Updated: 12/4/24