Organic Syntheses Lectureship Series Speakers
This lectureship series is made possible by a grant from Organic Syntheses, Inc. at
the behest of Prof. Carl R. Johnson. Prof. Johnson is a Wayne State University Distinguished Professor Emeritus, long-time
Treasurer of Organic Syntheses, Inc. and friend of UToledo's Department of Chemistry
and Biochemistry.
Peter Seeberger - Max-Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces - Fall 2022 (PDF)
M. Christina White - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Spring 2019 (PDF)
John Porco Jr. - Boston University - Spring 2019 (PDF)
Scott Rychnovsky - University of California, Irvine - Spring 2018 (PDF)
Mark Lautens - University of Toronto - Spring 2017 (PDF)
Cynthia J. Burrows - University of Utah - Spring 2016 (PDF)
Please consider making a donation to the Chemistry Progress Fund, the Frontiers In
Chemistry Lecture Series Fund or the Organic Progress Fund. Your support is deeply appreciated and will help us to continue providing high-quality
programming in the Department of Chemisty & Biochemistry!
Make a Gift!