Student Resources
Campus Resources for Students Student Handbook DAP Access
Course Materials as Accessible Digital Documents
The accommodation for Course Materials as Accessible Digital Documents includes accessible electronic textbooks and documents used in courses. Digital textbooks are available from many sources and often, students can purchase accessible eBooks directly without having to go through The Office Of Accessibility and Disability Resources.
Before purchasing your textbooks, check for accessible textbooks using the following process below:
- Check to see if the eBook is available through one of the sources below.
These e-books are compatible with speech to text software that can read the text aloud and have built-in adjustments for font/background/zoom. - Vital Source
- University of Toledo Bookstore
- University of Toledo Library
- Kindle by Amazon
- iBooks by Apple
- If your textbook is not available in an accessible digital format, please send the proof of purchase or proof of possession to your Accessibility Specialist. The textbook in accessible format cannot be released to you until the proof of purchase is received due to copyright regulations.
If you would like to discuss these options or need further assistance, please email your Accessibility Specialist or call our office at 419.530.4981.
Testing instructions by location
Health Science Campus Students
For students testing at the HSC Academic Testing Center (ATC): a copy of the Accommodations Memo will be emailed to the Testing Center staff as well as to the Clinical or Academic Coordinator(s).
Instructors must arrange paper/pencil or computer-based tests with the ATC. Students need to work with instructors to ensure ATC staff is aware of test dates and times well in advance of the test. Students can visit Academic Testing Center for additional information and hours of operation and contact the ATC with any questions about UToledo testing processes and procedures prior to taking the first test. Students will need to arrive at the ATC 30 minutes prior to the scheduled testing time.
Schedule tests early enough in the day in order to receive full accommodation time based on hours of operation of the ATC.
Law School Students
A copy of the Accommodations Memo will be emailed to the Law School Registrar and to the instructor.
Students are expected to arrive prior to the scheduled time to take the test. Arriving late will result in time being deducted from the overall total time allotment. The decision for rescheduling a missed exam is at the discretion of the instructor.
Contact the Law School Registrar with any questions about testing processes and procedures prior to taking the first test. Any concerns regarding the scheduling or administration of a test should be immediately brought to the attention of the Law School Registrar. Please visit the Law School Registrar for additional information and hours of operation.
Main Campus Students
Paper/pencil or computer-based tests may be taken at the Main Campus Test Center – Memorial Field House Room 1080. Ear plugs or noise canceling headsets or white noise machines are available at the Testing Center.
Contact the Field House Testing Center to ask questions about testing processes, procedures prior to taking the first test, and hours of operation.
Academic Success and Engagement
UToledo has many resources available to help you navigate your college life. Please visit the How-To Resources webpage to learn about technology, academics, finances, healthcare and more. It’s a one-stop page for you to get information about a variety of topics. Check it out today!
Apple Product Accessibility Features
Visit Apple Accessibility YouTube channel to learn about accessibility options and personalizing your device.
Seeing AI is a talking camera developed for low-vision and blind individuals. It is a free app that assists with navigating the world around you.
Chrome Browser and Chrome Book Accessibility Features
Visit Chrome Accessibility YouTube channel to watch and learn about available accessibility options and personalizing your device.
Kindle and Fire Tablet Accessibility
Watch this video to download the Echo Desktop.
Echo Desktop Set-up Links: Windows, Mac and Tech Support
Visit the Help Desk on the first floor of the main campus library, where they will install and license the Microsoft Suite on your computer for free.
The official Microsoft Accessibility website is available here.
Microsoft Windows
Narration is available through the Narrator screen reader. There is a braille version of the guide available here.
Microsoft Office
Dictation is available to all products in the Microsoft Office suite via the “Dictate” feature.
Note Taking is also available using the “Dictate” feature, provided a microphone is available for the professor to use.
Text-To-Speech capabilities are built into every Microsoft Office product though the “Speak” command.
Microsoft Edge
The official Microsoft Edge Accessibility Features website is available here.
Text-To-Speech is available using the “Read Aloud” feature.