Textbook Information
The University meets the following requirements applicable to student textbooks. These requirements are a result of the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA). Please see specific references listed after each section or review the "Dear Colleague Letter (DCL)" DCL GEN 08-12 for more information:
- To the maximum extent practicable, and in a manner of the school’s choosing, the school must disclose on the school’s internet course schedule used for preregistration and registration purposes, the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and retail price information or required and recommended textbooks and supplemental materials for each course listed. If the ISBN is not available, the school must include the Internet course schedule, the author, title, publisher, and copyright date for the textbook or supplemental material. If the school determines that the disclosure of the information is not practicable for a textbook or supplemental material, the school shall use the designation “To Be Determined.” If applicable, the school must include on the school’s written course schedule a notice that the textbook information is available on the Internet course schedule and the Internet address for the schedule DCL GEN 08-12, page 35
- Upon the request of a college bookstore operated by or affiliated with the school, the school must make available as soon as practicable the most accurate information available regarding the school’s course schedule for the subsequent academic period, the information provided for students regarding the required recommended textbooks and supplemental materials for each course or class, the number of students enrolled in each course or class and the maximum student enrollment for each course or class DCL GEN 08-12, page 3
To obtain additional information on student textbooks, please visit the Office of the Provost web-page by clicking here
To visit the Barnes and Noble student bookstore website, click here