College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Academic Performance Standards - Doctor of Pharmacy

Procedure Number: SPC-5


Good Academic Standing

  • The College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences defines “good academic standing” for students enrolled in the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) Program in the following manner:
    • Maintaining minimum pharmacy required course cumulative GPA ≥2.75
    • Earning grade of C or better in all pharmacy required courses
    • Fulfilling any applicable Pharm.D. Program Requirements as outlined in The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Doctor of Pharmacy Student Handbook
  • A grade below a C in any pharmacy required course is unsatisfactory and will not be considered a passing grade for the course in the Pharm.D. curriculum (i.e., courses for which grades of less than a C are earned must be repeated).
  • To hold an office in a college organization or represent the college, a student enrolled must be in “good academic standing.”

Academic Progression, Matriculation, and Graduation

  • To progress to the subsequent class year (P1 to P2, P2 to P3, P3 to P4), the student must:
    • Earn a pharmacy required course cum GPA ≥2.75
    • Earn a grade of C or better in all pharmacy required courses
    • Fulfill any applicable Pharm.D. Program Requirements as outlined in The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Doctor of Pharmacy Student Handbook
  • Students failing to achieve these three requirements will not progress, matriculate, and/or graduate and must do one of the following:
    • Retake pharmacy required courses to demonstrate an improved aptitude for the material and seek progression or matriculation with the next year's class.
    • If eligible, graduate with a B.S.P.S. degree. However, doing so would prevent the student from taking/retaking additional undergraduate courses toward achieving a Pharm.D. degree, thus ending any opportunity to further pursue a Pharm.D. degree at The University of Toledo.
    • If eligible, consider transferring to one of the other five tracks (Cosmetic Science and Formulation Design, Medicinal and Biological Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology/Toxicology, or Pharmacy Administration) of the B.S.P.S. program.
    • If eligible, change colleges within The University of Toledo or transfer to another institution.

Progression Delay and Probation

  • The following academic performance will lead to Progression Delay:
    • Earning a pharmacy required course cum GPA <2.75.
    • Earning a grade less than a C in a pharmacy required course.
    • Failure to fulfill applicable Pharm.D. Program Requirements as outlined in The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Doctor of Pharmacy Student Handbook.
  • The following performance on experiential rotation will lead to Probation:
    • Failure to pass a pharmacy practice experience or dismissal from a pharmacy practice experience.
      • A student will remain on probation until successful completion of all required experiential rotations.


  • The following academic performance or circumstances will lead to dismissal from the Pharm.D. Program:
    • Earning a pharmacy required course term GPA <2.00
    • Earning a pharmacy required course cumulative GPA <2.25 (excluding the Fall P1 semester).
    • Earning a grade <C in a repeated pharmacy required course.
    • Repeated non-compliance in a given semester, or over subsequent semesters, with Pharm.D. Program Requirements as outlined in The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Doctor of Pharmacy Student Handbook.
    • Student no longer able to complete the program in the required six (6) calendar year time period from the initial enrollment semester – student’s P1 Fall semester. (See Procedure SPC-1 Time to Doctor of Pharmacy Program Completion Procedure).
    • If dismissed from thePharm.D. Program, the student may continue to earn a B.S.P.S. degree if they have not already done so or transfer to other Colleges/Programs within the University as eligible.
  • The following experiential performance may make you eligible for dismissal:
    • Any student on probation who fails to pass a pharmacy practice experience or is dismissed from a pharmacy practice experience will be immediately removed from the experiential program, receive a review by the Student Progress Committee, and may be subject to action from the committee up to and including dismissal from the Pharm.D. program.

Pharmacy Required Course GPA Calculation:

  • The pharmacy required course GPA will consist of all required professional program pharmacy core-curriculum undergraduate and post-baccalaureate coursework. 
  • Pharmacy required courses may not be repeated more than once. 
  • If a course is repeated, the grade earned for the repeated attempt will be substituted for the previous grade for purposes of calculating the pharmacy required course cumulative GPA, regardless of the University grade recalculation policy. 
  • A repeated pharmacy required course grade, in which a student earned a grade of B or better on the first attempt, will not be included in the pharmacy required course GPA. 
  • Neither undergraduate nor post-baccalaureate elective coursework will be counted towards pharmacy required course GPA. 

The above GPA calculation procedures apply to student progression, graduation clearance, and/or dismissal in the PharmD program only. 

Appeal Process

Pharmacy Required Courses

To determine the courses which will be used in the calculation of the pharmacy required course cumulative GPA and for which a grade of C or better is required, please refer to the College Catalog in place at the time of your first year of enrollment in the Pharm.D. Program.

Please note that the requirements for good academic standing in the Pharm.D. program are more stringent than those set forth by the University in the policy. Also, please note that GPA recalculation and grade deletion as allowed in University policy 3364-71-07 does not apply to the Pharm.D. required course GPA. 

Please refer to the UToledo Policy website for additional current information on academic policies.

Scope: This procedure applies to all students enrolled in the Doctor of Pharmacy Program of the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Responsible Agent: Associate Dean of Student Affairs, College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 

Last Updated: 7/15/24