Environmental Health and Radiation Safety

Stormwater Pollution Prevention


Stormwater Management Program

UT Post-Construction Stormwater Features- Interactive Map

Stormwater Brochure

Construction Site Inspection Checklist for OHC000004

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Review Tool

UT's Small MS4 (Municipally Separate Storm Sewer System) Stormwater Discharge Permit

Pond Inspection Guide

Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Field Guide for the TMACOG Region

Proposed UT-HSC Swan Creek In-Stream Restoration Project

HSC Storm Water Infrastructure

Main Campus Storm Water Infrastructure

Toledo Watershed Organizations:

Recently, the Ohio EPA identified key pollutants which affect one of the waterways at UT – our Swan Creek.  Pollutants include Total Particulate, Nitrate/Nitrite, Total Suspended Solids, Total Aluminum, Ammonia, Dissolved Solids, Strontium, Dieldrin and E. Coli. The actions you take below can have a significant effect on some of these pollutants.

10 Things You Can Do to Prevent Stormwater Pollution

  1. Never dump anything on the street, down a storm drain or in a drainage ditch.
  2. Scoop up after your pet. Bag it and throw it away in the trash.
  3. Compost grass clippings and leaves or bag them for curbside collection.
  4. Use fertilizers and pesticides sparingly. Do not apply on paved areas.
  5. Check your vehicles for leaks and repair them.
  6. Reduce, reuse and recycle the amount of cleaning and maintenance chemicals used at home.
  7. Recycle motor oil and other vehicle fluids.
  8. Throw litter in its place.
  9. Wash cars at a commercial car wash or on a grassy area, not your driveway.
  10. Encourage active citizen participation in stormwater protection and public group education on stormwater quality.

Consider limiting fireworks displays to the professionals, as fireworks are a contributor to Strontium pollution.

 stormwater picture

If you have feedback or storm water issues on campus, contact Tim Niederkorn at timothy.niederkorn@utoledo.edu  

Last Updated: 7/15/24