Environmental Health and Radiation Safety

Occupational Exposures

What to do if exposed to blood or body fluids

1. Flush the area thoroughly with soap and water when possible. Cover the puncture with a dressing.
2. Notify supervising faculty member and your preceptor.
3. Seek IMMEDIATE Risk Exposure Evaluation and healthcare AT THE SITE where the exposure occurred. 

  • If the exposure occurred at University of Toledo Medical Center or an associated clinic, notify the emergency department at  419.383.3888 immediately for instructions .  Ask to speak to the charge nurse.
  • If the exposure happened off site, follow the specific protocols for that site. Initial healthcare and evaluation must be received immediately. If exposure  occurred during evening or weekend hours, contact the UTMC Nursing Administrator for questions and follow-up care. Call 419.383.4000 and ask them to page the UTMC Nursing Administrator.
Last Updated: 7/15/24