Office of Student Engagement

Student Organization Trainings


Student organizations will be required to have both their president and treasurer take position-specific training before their organization can do the following:

  • Gain access to the organization page
  • Be visible on InvoNet 
  • Submit new events (includes reserving space) and edit previously submitted events
  • Utilize any University-allocated funding

Training covers policies, procedures, and an in-depth look at the Involvement Network online system. Any interested student organization member is welcome to attend, but it is required for at least one officer. 


Register for a TRAINING

Starting in the 2023-2024 school year, virtual training will be available during open registration. This is from January 1st - June 1st. Training will not be openly available outside of this date range.

  • President's Trainings must be taken yearly, regardless of if the organization's president does not change. This training goes over the policies and procedures for events, how to request rooms, and the re-registration process. Click here to take the president's training.
  • Treasurer's Trainings must be taken yearly, regardless of if the organization's treasurer does not change. This training goes over budget requests, university spending, and other money-related policies. This training does not count towards the required Student Allocation Committee training for Annual Budgets. Click here to take the treasurer's training.
  • Registration 101 Training is required for all organizations and can be found via Invonet. This is the only in-person training required and can be attended by the president, treasurer, or secretary of an organization and will cover how to update your Involvement Network Roster, submit events, and review important Invonet features.

Event training can also be found on Invonet but is not a requirement. We encourage other organization members who are active on Invonet to attend the Event training to learn more about the process of submitting events through Invonet. 


Why position-specific training?

Position-specific training allows for a comprehensive and tailored discussion on the responsibilities for each position.

President Training

  • Event Planning Process
  • Registration Process
  • Roster Management

Treasurer Training

  • Budget Requests
  • Special Funding/SAC Requests
  • Reserving the P-Card Process

and more!

Last Updated: 7/15/24