Our Students
Each Fall semester, a new cohort of students begins their occupational therapy education in our doctoral program. We enjoy that they bring a variety of knowledge, skills, and experiences with them. Our students come to us with backgrounds in health science, recreation therapy, social work, speech and communication, special education, engineering, biology, psychology, and more. Course instructors value each student’s contributions to one another’s learning. Through interactive learning in the classroom, they quickly form a support network for themselves and often stay in touch long after graduation.
Every student is automatically a member of our Student Occupational Therapy Association. Together, members plan and conduct patient panels, service learning activities, and social events. They elect a member to attend the national OT conference each year. They host a celebration for graduates and their friends and families.
Our students initiated the formation of a local chapter of the Coalition of Occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity.
In addition, we have a chapter of the occupational therapy honor society, Pi Theta Epsilon.
We are confident that our curriculum prepares our graduates for excellence! We have a long history of success on the national board exam and a strong record of employment after graduation. You can find our alumni in nearly every setting of clinical practice, in management and leadership roles, on regulatory boards, in advocacy positions, and in occupational therapy education. Many have published their scholarly projects and capstones.
Hello OT program graduates! Whether you graduated with an OTD or an MOT, from UToledo or MUO or MCO.... We want to keep up with you! Let us know where you are and what's going on! Your information will only be used for OT program purposes. Update Your Information!