Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Graduate Awards

The following awards are given to outstanding graduate students in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Outstanding First Year Graduate Student
This graduate student receives a copy of The Merck Index. He or she is nominated by a faculty advisor.

Outstanding Teaching Assistant
This graduate student receives a $100 check and a certificate. The graduate student is nominated by students and faculty. Nominators are asked to fill out a TA Nomination Form.

Graduate Research Paper Award
A $200 Prize will be awarded at the annual Chemistry and Biochemistry Honors Tea. It will be presented to the graduate student who publishes an outstanding research paper during the past year. Click here for more details.

Organic Progress Fund Graduate Student Award
The members of the Organic Division will select an awardee based on the following criteria: a) have completed a single departmental public oral talk, b) made tremendous progress in their own research project, and c) maintain a minimum 3.50 GPA.  The awardee will receive a certificate and a book.

Last Updated: 7/15/24