More Things To Do
Webpages with resources for children
- Kids Astronomy
- NASA Kid's Club
- Space Lessons for Kids (Suggested by kids at Colorado Libraries) Thanks!
- A compilation of useful resources (suggested by kids at the Morrow Community Center. Thanks!)
- Another compilation of useful resources (suggested by Mary. Thanks!)
- Yet another compilation of useful resources (suggested by kids at the Morrow Community Center. Thanks!)
- A collection of useful resources on astrobiology (suggested by Keri Evans. Thanks!)
- The 88 Constellations and Their Brightest Stars (suggested by Nick Hayes and Lake Jennings BSA Troop 325).
- Games and Resources (suggested by Jessica Dubois.)
- Learning games and activities (suggested by Reid McKiernan)
- Astronomy Resources for Kids (suggested by Emma P. Thanks!)
- Sleeping Under Stars and Planets (suggested by Payton P. Thanks!)
- Navigating the Stars - A Young Learners Guide to Astronomy (suggested by Susan Harris. Thanks!)
- History of Earth Satellites (suggested by Ashley M. Thanks!)
Want to Build A Telescope?
- Interested in putting together an inexpensive telescope from easily attained parts?
Use our "How to Build: The Pickle Bucket Telescope" pamphlet as a great starting point.
Click Here!
Other Local Planetaria
- Delta College Planetarium-Bay City, Michigan
- Boonshoft Museum of Discovery- Dayton, Ohio
- Ward Beecher Planetarium- Youngstown, Ohio
- BGSU Planetarium- Bowling Green, Ohio
- Appold Planetarium- Sylvania, Ohio
- Abrams Planetarium- East Lansing, Michigan
- Sanford Museum and Planetarium- Cherokee, Iowa
- And further afield: Index of planetarium web sites: world-wide (PDF, 1.3 MB) and USA (PDF, 392 KB, listed alphabetically by city) from the International Planetarium Society
Local Astronomy Clubs