Research and Sponsored Programs

URFO Small Awards Program


The URFO Small Awards Program provides a one time grant up to $1,000 per academic year to tenured and tenure-track faculty members to support research and scholarship activities.  The Program provides limited funds when other sources of funds, such as faculty start-up funds, departmental funds, grant funds, are not available. Funds are expected to be expended within six months of the award start date. A total of $20,000 is expected to support this program for the following academic year. 


Accepted any time.


See General Guidelines

  • All tenured and tenure-track faculty
  • Request must be for future, not past activity
examples of activities eligible for support
  • Assistance in bringing a visiting scholar to campus to discuss research or research collaboration
  • Support for a small research conference or workshop to be held at the University of Toledo
  • Support to purchase a database or other materials needed for a research project
  • Travel support for specialized archival research

Examples of Activities NOT Eligible for Support

  • Page charges for an article or manuscript
  • Travel to a conference
  • Purchase of office furniture and supplies
  • Food and beverages - with exception of a research conference or workshop of 20 attendees or greater
  • Alcoholic beverages; clothing and personal items
  • Laptop computers, tablets or handheld electronic devices;


See General Guidelines for more information. Proposals must be submitted through InfoEd, see InfoEd Help Page for step-by-step instructions. 

Last Updated: 7/15/24