Research and Sponsored Programs

Publications Subvention Program


This program assists full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty in advancing their careers through the publication of scholarly manuscripts (normally book-length) by academic presses. Modest support (not to exceed $1,700) is available to help increase the quality of the publication, make the book more marketable and affordable, or respond to press requirements. This program does not provide assistance to cover page charges for journal articles.

The Research Council members are interested in supporting publications that develop faculty members’ academic credentials in their area of expertise. This award does not support nonacademic or textbook publications, manuals or fees from for-profit publishing houses. Manuscripts to be published by units of The University of Toledo are not eligible. In addition, when co-authors from other institutions are involved, this award may not be used to support the majority of the publication costs; the applicant should provide an explanation of divided costs and a calculation of necessary funds. Conditions of the award include recognition in the publication of The University of Toledo’s support.


Proposals accepted any time


See General Guidelines


Proposals must be submitted through InfoEd, see InfoEd Help Page for step-by-step instructions. The following information must be included:

  • A copy of the introduction, table of contents and first chapter (only) of the publication.
  • A letter of acceptance or contract from the publisher.
  • Evidence that the publisher is of high quality and that the publication went through a critical review process.
  • Verification from the publisher that the subvention is required or will substantially reduce the selling price to expand sales.
  • Explanation of how the subvention funds will be spent


See General Guidelines

Last Updated: 7/15/24