Research and Sponsored Programs

Research Awards and Fellowship Program


The Research Awards and Fellowships support full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty. Funds are awarded through a competitive, peer-reviewed process to support research, scholarly activities, and creative artistic projects, to advance a faculty member’s professional career, to position a faculty member for additional external support, or to promote assistance in developing a promising research program.

This award does not support the preparation of textbooks or other instructional materials.

The maximum award is $20,000 and may support summer salary and fringe benefits (to a maximum of six weeks), students, travel, equipment, and materials and supplies. Funding becomes available mid April, with all expenditures to be completed 12 months after start date of mid April. UPDATE: Awardees may teach during the summer, but must have a minimum of six weeks without teaching to receive a summer fellowship under this program.

The Research Council will review proposals and may seek additional reviewers from on and off campus. The evaluation process will take into consideration the faculty member’s rank, discipline, level of student involvement, nature of the proposed project, and funding. For assistant professors in all disciplines, the most important consideration is the likelihood that a successful project will lead to a productive and meaningful research and scholarship program. Research Council members also will consider the extent to which the proposed project will lead to self-sustaining external support. 

The Research Council broadly represents all disciplines on campus. Therefore, it is important that the proposal clearly communicates the goals of the project to the readership.


3rd Thursday in January


See General Guidelines for additional eligibility criteria.

Faculty may not receive more than two of any major URFO awards as Principal Invetigator over any seven-year peirod, and faculty may not receive any major URFO awards as Principal Investigator in two consecutive years.

Tenured or tenure-track faculty who are on 9-, 11- and 12-month appointments and who will be at the University during the following academic year are eligible to apply. However, 12-month faculty cannot receive salary support.

Although preference will be given to untenured tenure-track professors, proposals from tenured faculty will be considered. For an associate or full professor, the proposal must explain how the project will take the individual to higher national stature through significant contribution to the discipline or move that faculty member into a promising new area of research or scholarship.


See General Guidelines. Proposals must be submitted through InfoEd, see InfoEd Help Page for step-by-step instructions. We encourage you to start early and request help if needed from

Files to upload include: The page limits are included below for the forms that must be uploaded in your InfoEd application:

  • 1 Page | Abstract, written for a general audience that summarizes the project and its expected outcomes. The abstract must not exceed 250 words and should be single spaced.
  • 6 Pages | Project description that includes sections on objectives, significance, methodology (or approach) and outcome. The outcome section should indicate the contribution a successful project will make to the individual’s professional growth. The project description must not exceed six double-spaced pages with one-inch margins, including all figures and diagrams. The description should provide the Research Council members with sufficient information to show the possible contribution of the project to the discipline.
  • 2 Pages | References (single-spaced pages)
  • 2 Pages | Budget Justification 
  • 2 Pages | Biosketch (required for PI, optional for co-investigators)
  • No Page Limit | Final reports for any URFO awards for the past five years.
  • No appendix material or support letters will be accepted


Proposals that do not follow the above guidelines or do not meet eligibility criteria will not be reviewed. 

Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Significance
  • Innovation
  • Clear goals & plan
  • Description of studies and preliminary results
  • Expected outcomes
  • PI & program impact (includes plans for additional funding)


See General Guidelines.

Reporting Requirements

Report Deadline: 3 months after project end date | Submission Document: Final Report Form

Award recipients must either submit a proposal to an external agency prior to the final report deadline or provide evidence of the regional and national contribution of the project in the final report.

Submit a written report to summarizing the results of the project and including a list of presentations, publications, proposals and funding directly resulting from this project. For further information, please see the URFO Final Report webpage.

Last Updated: 7/15/24