Research and Sponsored Programs

deArce-Koch Memorial Endowment Fund


The deArce-Koch Memorial Endowment Fund supports medically related research and development projects. A bequest from Helen C. Ponton deArce as a memorial to the memory of her husband, Alfred Koch, Sr., and her son, Alfred Koch, Jr., established the endowment. This fund supports research and scholarly activity that will advance a faculty member’s professional career, position the faculty member for additional external support, or provide assistance in developing a promising research program. It is anticipated that this fund will foster cross-disciplinary research projects. The funds available are from an endowment, the value of which fluctuates with the market and determines the number of awards that can be made in any given year.

Although there is no maximum limit to the award, requests should not exceed $25,000. Funds may support personnel, graduate student stipends, travel necessary to conduct research, equipment, and supplies. Assistant professors can apply for summer salary support (maximum support for six weeks’ summer salary and fringe benefits). However, associate and full professors cannot apply for summer salary. Awardees may not teach during the summer if they receive summer salary under this program.

Funding will be available in mid April with project end date 12 months after start date of mid April.

Proposals will be reviewed by the Research Council. The evaluation process takes into consideration the faculty member’s rank. For assistant professors, the most important consideration is the likelihood that a successful project would lead to external support. Although preference will be given to untenured, tenure-track professors, proposals from tenured faculty will be considered. All applicants must clearly identify where they intend to submit proposals resulting from the proposed studies. For example, if proposals are intended for NIH, the type of proposal (R01/03/15/21) an institute should be identified, if not a specific funding opportunity.


3rd Thursday in January


Faculty may not receive more than two of any major URFO awards as Principal Investigator over any seven-year period, and faculty may not receive any major URFO awards as Principal Investigator in two consecutive years.

See General Guidelines


See General Guidelines. Proposals must be submitted through InfoEd, see InfoEd Help Page for step-by-step instructions. We encourage you to start early and request help if needed from

Files to upload include: The page limits are included below for the forms that must be uploaded in your InfoEd application:

  • 1 Page | Abstract, written for a general audience that summarizes the project and its expected outcomes. The abstract must not exceed 250 words, single spaced.
  • 6 Pages | Project Description (double spaced) that includes the following:
    A.  A statement of the significance of the problem and its impact on the field of study
    B.  A statement describing the innovative aspects of the proposed studies
    C.  A statement describing impact of this award on the PI and program
    D.  A section outlining the specific goals of the project and how they will be accomplished
    E.  A description of the studies to be completed including preliminary results, if any
    F.  Expected outcomes
    G. Plans for seeking additional funding
  • 2 Pages | References (single-spaced)
  • 2 Pages | Budget Justification  
  • 2 Pages per Person | Biosketch (required for PI, optional for co-investigators)
  • Final Reports for any URFO awards for the past five years.
  • No appendix material will be accepted.

NO LONGER REQUIRED:  A summary of comments received on unfunded grant applications. 


Proposals that do not follow the above guidelines or do not meet eligibility criteria will not be accepted.

Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Significance
  • Innovation
  • Impact on PI and program
  • Clear goals & plan
  • Description of studies and preliminary results
  • Expected outcomes
  • Plans for additional funding


See General Guidelines for more information.

reporting requirements

Report Deadline: 3 months after project end date | Submission Document: Final Report Form

Submit a written report to summarizing the results of the project and including a list of presentations, publications, proposals and funding directly resulting from this project. For futher information, please see the URFO Final Report webpage.

Last Updated: 7/15/24