Research and Sponsored Programs

Archaeological Research Endowment Fund


The Archaeological Research Endowment Fund annually provides up to $2,000 to offset the cost of archaeological research conducted by full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty of the University of Toledo. All proposals will be reviewed and recommendations for funding will be made by the University Research Council. Only faculty members who will be at UToledo for the next academic year are eligible to apply.

Awards will receive 18 months of funding. Awardees must submit a written report to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs within 3 months of project end date, summarizing the results of the project with a list of presentations, publications and proposals directly resulting from the project.

The most important consideration is the likelihood that the award will contribute to a productive and meaningful research program. Also important is the extent to which the proposed project will lead to self-sustaining external support.

Due date

Proposals accepted any time


See General Guidelines


See General Guidelines for more information. Proposals must be submitted through InfoEd, see InfoEd Help Page for step-by-step instructions. Files to upload include:

  • An abstract written for a general audience that summarizes the project and its expected outcomes. The abstract must not exceed 250 words.
  • A project description that includes sections on objectives, significance, methodology (or approach) and outcome. The outcome section should indicate how a successful project will contribute to the individual’s professional growth. The project description must not exceed 6 double-spaced pages including all figures, diagrams and references. The description should provide the council members with sufficient information to show the contribution of the project to the growth of knowledge in the field and to the faculty member’s professional development.
  • A budget and budget justification (limited to two pages). 
  • two-page biosketch (template available online)


Proposals that do not follow the above guidelines or that do not meet eligibility criteria will not be accepted. The council broadly represents all disciplines on campus. Therefore, it is important that the proposal clearly communicate the goals of the project to the readership.


See General Guidelines for more information.

Reporting Requirements

Report Deadline: 3 months after project end date | Submission Document: Final Report Form

Submit a written report to summarizing the results of the project and including a list of presentations, publications, proposals and funding directly resulting from this project. For further information, please see the URFO Final Report webpage.

Last Updated: 9/18/24