Research and Sponsored Programs

URAF Recipients 2006-2007

Summer Research Awards and Fellowships
Alam, Bhuiyan; Transit Demand Change in U.S. Metropolitan Statistical Areas between 1990 and 2000 Using Two-Stage Least Squares Regression

Anderson, Jared;  Development of a Hybrid Micellar-Ionic Liquid Method Based on Liquid Phase Microextraction Coupled to High Performance Liquid Chromatography for the Enrichment of Analyte Extraction Efficiency

Bigioni, Terry;  Self Assembly of Colloidal Materials

Edgington, Anthony;  Reflecting on the Fallout:  The Influence of Nuclear War Narratives on Current Culture

ElBialy, Mohamed;  Inertial Manifolds for Delay Differential Equations

Emonds, Friederike;  In the Shadows of the Nuremberg Trials:  Crime and Guilt in Wolfgang Staudte’s Film ‘The Murderers Among Us’ (1946)

Fang, Xiao;  Methods for Measuring and Enhancing Digital Government Performance

Geiger, Timothy;  Printing the Limited Edition Book:  Exiled from the Throne of Night

Georgiev, Daniel;  Correlation between Intermediate Phases and Nonlinear Optical Properties in Chalcogenide Glasses:  An Experimental Study

Heberle, Renee; The Politics of Sexuality and Sexual Violence

Jex, David;  Concerto for Soprano Saxophone and Concert Band

Mattison, Andrew; The Persistence of Landscape in the Bower of Bliss

McKether, Willie; Voices of Transition:  African-American Migration to Toledo, OH:  1930-1970

Murray, John; The Rise of American Health Insurance:  A Technological History

Philpott, Stacy;  Arthropod Biodiversity in Urban Habitats:  Determining the Relative Importance of Parks, Gardens and Abandoned Lots and Habitat Features in Toledo

Smirnov, Oleg;  Spatial Sampling in the Presence of Spatial Dependence

Yonker, Robert;  Can Emotional Intelligence (EI) Help Predict Negotiator Success?

deArce Memorial Endowment Fund in Support of Medical Research and Development Program

Churchwell, Marian; A Novel In vitro Model to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Antibiotic Dosing in Hemodialysis

Dong, Fan; Transcriptional Repression of p21 Cip by Gfi-1

Elahinia, Mohammad; An Active Ankle Foot Orthosis Actuated by Shape Memory Alloys

Nauli, Surya; Live-Imaging Study on Shear Stress-Induced Cell Differentiation

Ronning, Donald; Structural Characterization of Drug Targets in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and Development of New Classes of Drugs

Vestal, Deborah; Role of hGBP-1 in Paclitaxel Resistance

Archaeological Research Fund
  • Harrell, James; Geoarchaeological Fieldwork in Egypt – Summer 2007

Proposal Preparation Mini-Grants to Federal Agencies

Mason, Mark; Reactions of Carbon Monoxide with Organoaluminum and Organogallium Reagents:  Mechanisms, Energetics, and Scope

Scheuermann, Barry; Physical Activity and Biomarkers of Endothelial Function

Schmidt, Joseph; Development of New Unsymmetrical Bidentate Nitrogen-Donor Ligands for Use in Asymmetric Catalysis

Visiting Faculty Research Program

Lambert, Judy; STTR:  Educational Ombudsmen Mobile Database Solution

Interdisciplinary Research Initiation Awards
Shemshedini, Lirim; The Role of sGCa1 in Mediating Androgen Receptor Effects on Prostate Cancer
Last Updated: 6/27/22