Industrial Partnerships
The mission of the Industrial Partnerships Program is to promote active cooperation between the EECS department and industry. The partnerships foster technology transfer, strengthen the links between university-based research and its application, and promote economic development.
The partnerships also enable strategic moves and initiatives that would not be possible otherwise, including research of benefit to both the individual corporations and the department. Building valuable collaborations between industry and EECS faculty is the key focus of the program. The relationships with industry are accomplished through a variety of activities including joint research projects, symposia, and short courses.
The EECS department is committed to helping researchers and entrepreneurs nurture and grow their businesses. All Industrial partnerships are supported by UT Technology Business Incubators. University Of Toledo's incubators serves as home to start-up companies that benefit from interaction with UT faculty and students. These incubators assist early-stage companies to bring next-generation technologies to the marketplace. The University of Toledo is currently developing three incubators.
The Clean and Alternative Energy Incubator
The Clean and Alternative Energy Incubator is located next to the Engineering campus and within the UT Science and Technology Corridor. The purpose of this "incubator" is to encourage companies interested in advanced energy research and commercialization to locate on the campus of the University and foster collaboration with faculty. The University is committed to building a program of national excellence in alternative and renewable energy, including solar energy, fuel cells, biomass, hybrid vehicles, and wind energy.
Mixed-Use Technology Incubator
A second incubator adjacent to the Engineering campus is also planned for construction beginning in the summer of 2008. This incubator will focus on a variety of high technologies centered around the Ohio Third Frontier criteria.
Information Technology Incubation Corridor
Located on the University of Toledo's Health Science Campus, the IT incubator provides a safe and secure location to grow burgeoning technology businesses, giving university spin-off businesses and emerging technology companies an opportunity to work together with the university to develop and expand their businesses. These incubators are part of a broader program to enhance business in Northwest Ohio and the region.