Optional Internship Component (COBI)
Because IT students are considered both COE and COBI students they may take advantage of the internship program offered through the COBI's Office of Business Career Programs (BCP). The Business Career Programs office was created to assist COBI students in securing internships during their undergraduate careers and full-time placement upon graduation. These internships provide students with real-world work experience while earning course credit. It is estimated that more than 90 percent of COBI students participated in at least one internship during their undergraduate education.
To participate in an internship, students must be accepted to upper division and be registered for internships in the Business Career Programs Office (BCP). The BCP staff maintains a network of potential employers and provides resources to help students conduct their own tailored job searches. Interns must work a minimum of 170 hours during a semester. The Faculty Internship Advisor in the student's area of specialization will screen the position to ensure that the learning experience is worthy of three semester hours of academic credit. These credits are not part of the 128 semester hours required for the IT degree.
After receiving faculty approval, IT students will be allowed to enroll in INFS 4940. Students may enroll in the course during the internship experience or may enroll one semester after completing the internship. The student will turn in a 12-15 page Internship Report to the Internship Faculty Advisor on the first day of finals week of the semester in which the student is enrolled. The internship receives a pass/fail grade which will be based on the internship supervisor's performance evaluation of the student and on an internship report.
Review the latest Internship Guidelines for more details or visit the Business Career Programs website for more information.