Engineering Technology

IT Program Course Syllabi

The links below provide access to the master syllabi for each required and elective course in the Information Technology program. Courses are organized by prefix to facilitate scanning the list. All files are in PDF format.

Required Courses

CSET 1100 Introduction to CSET
CSET 1200 Object Oriented Programming & Data Structure
CSET 2200 PC and Industrial Networks 
CSET 3100 Advanced Web Site Design 
CSET 3200 Client/Server Computing 
CSET 3250 Client-Side Scripting 
CSET 3300 Database-Driven Web Sites 
CSET 4100 Server-Side Programming 
CSET 4150 Web Server Administration 
CSET 4250 Applied Programming Languages 
CSET 4750 Computer Networks & Data Communications
ITEC 2100 Small Computer Systems
MATH 1730 Calculus with Applications to Business and Finance
BUAD 2020 Information Technology Management
BUAD 2040 Financial Accounting Information
BUAD 2050 Accounting for Business Decision-Making
BUAD 3020 Principles of Manufacturing & Service Systems
BUAD 3030 Managerial and Behavioral Processes in Organizations
INFS 3400  Principles of Information Security
INFS 3770 Database Management Systems
ENGT 1000 Introduction to Engineering Technology
ENGT 2000 Professional Development
ENGT 2500 Technical Project Management
ENGT 3010 Statistics and Design of Experiments
ENGT 3050 Fundamentals of Electricity
ENGT 4050 Senior Technology Capstone

Elective Courses

CSET 3400 Unix System Administration 
CSET 3600 Software Engineering and Human Interfacing
CSET 4850 Network Security Fundamentals

Last Updated: 7/15/24