Jesup Scott Honors College

College Honors Directors

The College Honors Directors are faculty gatekeepers for curricular and other matters affecting Honors students as they chart a path through their major studies while pursuing the JSHC medallion. Students work closely with these representatives of the degree-granting colleges as they draft and complete Honors Learning Contracts as well as undertake an Honors thesis or capstone before graduation.

Edmund Lingan

Arts & Letters

Dr. Edmund Lingan

University Hall 3160E


Deedee Liedel

Business & Innovation

Deedee Liedel

Stranahan Hall 3033

Michael Toland


Dr. Michael Toland

Gillham Hall 3100W

Matthew Franchetti


Dr. Matthew Franchetti

Nitschke Hall 1045

John Laux

Health & Human Services

Dr. John Laux

Health and Human Services 2400E

John Plenefisch

Natural Sciences & Mathematics

Dr. John Plenefisch

Wolfe Hall 2246

Eileen Walsh


Dr. Eileen Walsh

Collier Building 4410
Steven Peseckis

Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

Dr. Steven Peseckis

Wolfe Hall 2212B

Last Updated: 10/21/24