The Cataloging Department is responsible for adding descriptive records to the online catalog for all new books, theses, dissertations, media items, electronic resources and government documents acquired by the University’s libraries (except Law). The Department also adds records for materials acquired by an affiliated hospital library, St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center in Toledo.
In addition, the Cataloging Department is responsible for preparing all newly acquired books, theses, dissertations, and media items for patron use by adhering call numbers, barcodes, and other identifying labels.
If you notice a problem in the bibliographic record or the cataloging of a particular item, please fill in the Report a Catalog Error form. We welcome your input and will attempt to correct errors in a timely fashion.
Staff & Primary Duties
Alexandra Coleman, M.L.I.S., Cataloging Librarian (phone: 419.530.2876) — oversees cataloging workflow and online catalog authority control, performs original cataloging, and loads record sets for electronic resources.
Tania Park-Thomas, Library Media Technical Assistant 2 (phone: 419.530.4762) — performs copy cataloging and processing of newly acquired print and media materials, prepares catalog records for new electronic theses and dissertations, and assists with cataloging and collection maintenance projects.