Ritter Planetarium and Brooks Observatory

FullDome Studio Logo
The University FullDome Studio, UTFS, is dedicated to producing and distributing quality astronomical fulldome programs that are scientifically accurate, pedagogically appropriate, entertaining and affordable.  Westrive to combine traditional planetarium programming with state-of-the-art immersive visualizations.  By using the talents and expertise of our staff, along with the vast resources of the University of Toledo Community we create programs with an exceptionally high quality to cost ratio.

FullDome Programs

Santa Secret Star Poster

Shining Light on the Stars Poster

DCT Test Poster

Explore! The DCT and UT



Who We Are

Dr. Michael C. Cushing

Dr. Cushing is the Director of the Ritter Planetarium and an Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Toledo.  He is primarily responsible for the scientific content and accuracy of all UTFS material as Production Coordinator.

Mr. Alexander T. Mak 

Mr. Mak is the Associate Director of the Ritter Planetarium and UTFS Producer.  He has presented nearly 5,000 planetarium programs and has written and produced over 40 slide-based analog programs at Ritter since 1981. 

Ms. Morgan Hayward

Ms. Hayward is UTFS’s 3D Graphic Artist.  She creates all of the visuals for our digital programs and is also our principal Photographer and Audio Editor.  She is a graduate of the University of Toledo’s Fine Arts program.

The University of Toledo Community 

We draw heavily from the talent and resources of The University of Toledo and its faculty, staff and students.  The University community has provided us with massive computer support, astronomical expertise, original musical composition and performances, voice talent, audio engineering, creative writing consultations and assorted computer wizardry.



We would like to acknowledge financial support from The University of Toledo College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, The Research Corporation for Science Advancement, and The Iott Family Foundation.

Last Updated: 7/15/24