Events and Training Sessions
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning is excited to announce the launch of "From the Chair's Perspective," a new series of professional development sessions designed specifically for university department chairs. This initiative aims to provide valuable insights and strategies tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities faced by department leaders.
We currently have 3 upcoming workshops, all of which will be online via WebEx:
1) From the Chair’s Perspective: Review, Tenure, and Promotion
September 13, 11:30-1 pm online
A very important function of a chair is facilitating the tenure and promotion processes for department faculty. Acting Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Mary Humphrys, will discuss the procedures related to these activities including following timelines, adhering to Collective Bargaining Agreement guidelines, interacting with the multi-level review people/committees, and procuring external letters. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.
Fatmeh Alalawneh, Faculty Affairs Specialist, will discuss RTP and using Faculty 180, and Beth Gerasimiak, Associate Vice Provost for Academic Administration, will also be available to answer questions on the Personnel Calendar..
Meeting number: 2307 543 5873
Meeting password: SigQeX83DH7
2) From the Chair’s Perspective: Faculty Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining Agreements
September 27, 10:30-noon online
Department Chairs, join Kristen Fitzpatrick and Lisa Miller from the Office of Faculty Labor Relations for a workshop about the UT-AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreements. Discuss language, process, and consultations. We will discuss examples of issues Department Chairs may encounter. The goal of this workshop is to give Department Chairs an understanding of the collective bargaining agreements and their processes.
Meeting number: 2304 825 9247
Meeting password: grJfTsxw354
3) From the Chair’s Perspective: Navigating the CIM System
October 18, 10:30-noon online
Led by Cathy Zimmer, Director of Academic and Curricular Initiatives, and Alana Malik, University Assessment Director. Participants will learn how to submit and review course and program proposals in our curriculum inventory management system (CIM). We will also introduce the new curriculum mapping feature, which allows departments to align individual course learning outcomes to specific program learning outcomes. You are welcome to invite others from your department who may be interested in learning or refreshing their knowledge of how to navigate our CIM system. The main goals are to discuss the basic steps of how to navigate the CIM system; to describe how to map program curriculum in the CIM system, and to identify CIM support resources both online and within the Provost Office.
Meeting number: 2302 290 9643
Meeting password: ZVqMmMj535W
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
Help Your Students Escape the Norm: Creating Virtual Escape Room Activities Is Easier Than You Think
Dr. Susanne Nonekowski
Distinguished University Lecturer
Clinical Professor of Medicinal and Biological Chemistry
Looking for an innovative way to engage your students and help them master course material? Consider creating a virtual escape room. Virtual escape rooms offer a fun and interactive way for students to review key concepts and apply their knowledge in a challenging and engaging way. Learn how to create an immersive experience that promotes active learning and help students retain information long-term.
Learn more and access CDI application
The Office of the Provost is excited to announce the inaugural Summit on Student Success, to be held on Friday, April 8th from noon-3 pm. This virtual event will allow faculty, staff and administrators to hear from students how we can support their success and learn concrete, evidence-based strategies that each of us can use to support the student experience at UToledo. Learn More. View Summit Flyer
Addressing The Elephant In The Room: Course Strategies To Help Students Manage Feelings Of Imposter Syndrome
View Presentation by Dr. Susanne Nonekowski
March 3, 2022
Co-sponsored by Department of Educational Studies in the Judith Herb College of Education
View Transparency as the Foundation of Inclusive Pedagogy
VIew Cultivating Communities of Hope