Office of Residence Life

Housing Contract

The Housing Contract (“Agreement”) is a legally binding agreement between you (“Resident”) and The University of Toledo (“University”) a public institution of higher education located at 2801 W. Bancroft Street, Toledo, Ohio 43606-3390 for occupancy of a room in the University’s Residence Halls (“Premises”). Once the Agreement is signed, submitted, and accepted by the University, it is valid for the entire academic year (both fall and spring semesters) and can only be canceled in accordance with the following terms and conditions.

1. HOUSING REQUIREMENT: All first-year and second-year students who live outside of a 25-mile radius from the University are required to live on campus and participate in the Dining Plan Program.  In the unlikely event the University cannot provide a room or alternate housing, the housing and meal plan requirements will be excused, all rights and liabilities of the parties involved will cease, and this contract will be null and void.

 2. ELIGIBILITY: University housing is provided to full-time (as defined by a Resident’s Academic Program) undergraduate students. Limited spaces are available for graduate and professional students. Undergraduate students are placed as first priority for both room selection and placement.

Students who have been convicted or have pled guilty to a felony or misdemeanor offense including but not limited to, sexual offenses such as assault, rape or any violent crimes, or the use, possession, sale transportation or distribution of a controlled substance, may not be permitted to reside in University housing.  The University will have full discretion in determining which specific offenses preclude the Student from residing in University housing.

3. MINOR CONSENT: All Residents who will be under the age 18 as of the first day of classes are required to have their Parents/Guardians/Guarantees complete a minor consent form before they are able to complete this form.  Parents/Guardians/Guarantees sign and accept responsibility for the terms of the contract until the Resident turns 18, and also consent in advance to medical treatment for their minor.   By signing and submitting this form, the Resident states they have read and accepted the terms and conditions of the Agreement as outlined in the online housing application.  The Resident also agrees to abide by all University and residence hall policies and regulations.

4. GENERAL RESIDENCE HALL REGULATIONS: Occupancy is a privilege extended to Resident by the University. The continuation of this privilege is dependent upon the Resident’s reasonable and satisfactory personal conduct. Resident must abide by the Agreement, as well as the Residence Living Guide and McComas Village Living Guide ( (as applicable), the Student Code of Conduct, and all other University policies, procedures and rules.  These rules, regulations, and policies are considered to be a part of this Agreement and, to the extent allowed by law, The University can revise, change, amend, expand or discontinue the rules, regulations and policies at any time at University’s sole discretion by written notice to Resident or posting on the University’s Policy website.

5. PERIOD OF CONTRACT: The Agreement is a legally binding agreement between Resident and the University. The Agreement is valid for the entire academic year (August – May), or as defined by Resident’s academic program unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms herein.

6. PAYMENT OF FEES: All fees, including but not limited to housing and meal plan charges, tuition, and all other associated fees, are due and payable as required by the University. Resident will not be permitted access to University housing or meal plan funds if Resident’s balance is not paid in full or until an approved payment plan is in place.  Should Resident default in complying with any payment dates for any of Resident’s financial obligations, the University may seek any remedy in law or in equity, including specific performance of the Resident’s obligations or seek money damages. Resident agrees to pay all reasonable costs, attorney fees and expenses that are incurred by the University in enforcing this provision.

7. OCCUPANCY: Occupancy commences when Resident has been issued a key to the room of residence by the University or the first day of the academic term. Actual physical occupancy of the room by Resident and/or placement of Resident’s possessions within the room do not constitute occupancy.   Resident shall use and occupy the Premises solely for private dwelling purposes relating to Resident’s enrollment at the University for educational purposes and, in no event, shall Resident carry on or conduct any commercial enterprises in the room or Resident Hall without the University’s prior, written approval. Resident agrees to comply with all governmental laws, ordinances, and rules and regulations, and to refrain from any disruptive or illegal behavior or conduct. Resident shall not do anything that would (1) give rise to a mechanic’s or other lien being asserted against University’s property or (2) increase University’s insurance premiums.

8. RESIDENT'S MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS: Resident shall keep and maintain the Premises in good and clean condition, reasonable wear and tear expected.  Resident shall make no alterations or additions to the Premises, including, but not limited to, painting walls, without the University's prior written consent. Resident shall promptly report any maintenance needs or damage reports to the University. It shall be the obligation of Resident to reimburse University for all expenses incurred in connection with any repairs resulting from the actions of Resident or Resident's guests and invitees.

9. ARRIVAL DATES: The residence halls officially open one week prior to the start of classes.  Resident will be assigned a specific move in date, which can be found on the Office of Residence Life website. If Resident wants to move in prior to Resident’s scheduled date, Resident may move in on a designated early arrival date.  If approved, the additional daily charge is $25.00.

If Resident is required by an office or department on campus to attend specific programs, the Resident may check-in prior to the designated early arrival date with approval from the Office of Residence Life.

Unless a student requests an extension of the arrival period in writing from the University, University is not obligated to hold a space reservation past 5:00 p.m. on the first day of classes.  If a student fails to check-in prior to 5:00 p.m. on the first day of classes, and appears subsequently, assignment elsewhere will be made only if space is available.  If no space is available, the student is subject to assessed fees and potential termination of the Agreement.


  1. Fall Break: The residence halls remain open with limited staff, meal plan service, and Front Desk services. There is no charge to stay.
  2. Thanksgiving Break: The residence halls remain open with limited staff and Front Desk services. There is no meal plan service available and no charge to stay.
  3. Winter Break: All residence halls are closed with the exception of International House and Ottawa House. There is limited staff, Front Desk services and meal plan service. There is an additional charge of $25.00 per night for Residents pre-authorized to stay.
  4. Spring Break: The residence halls remain open with limited staff, meal plan services and Front Desk services. There is no charge to stay.

11. ADMINISTRATIVE ROOM CHANGES: The University reserves the right to reassign Resident at any time based on conduct, contract violations, resident conflicts, and/or to make the most efficient and beneficial use of available accommodations.  Even if the Agreement is not terminated by the University pursuant to Section 21 below, the Resident may be subject to action under the Student Code of Conduct.  The University may reassign or remove a Resident from on-campus housing at the University’s or the Department of Health’s discretion due to illness or disease and/or if in the best interest of the individual Resident’s and the public’s safety.

12. ROOM CONSOLIDATION:  The Office of Residence Life has the right to consolidate Residents into rooms in order to maintain occupancy and accommodate additional students in on-campus housing. Resident must accept a room consolidation, if their roommate does not arrive or moves out mid-semester.  Resident must be prepared to receive a roommate at any time by keeping half of the room unoccupied, or move in a new room with a new roommate. Consolidation may occur within the same residence hall or between residence halls.

13. ROOM CHANGES: All room changes must have prior authorization from the Office of Residence Life or the Hall Director.

14. ENTRY TO A ROOM: University employees may enter a Resident’s room at any time to assess and repair the physical facilities, complete inspections, verify occupancy, adjust temperature controls, maintain safety standards, or for other reasons determined necessary by the University.

University employees may enter and search a Resident’s room and seize matter in violation of University policy or the law. Such search and seizure will be conducted in the presence of the occupant(s) of the room when there is reasonable cause to believe a violation has occurred, unless the matter necessitates an immediate entry. Conditions that necessitate an immediate entry include:

  1. Person may be physically harmed and/or endangered;
  2. When University property is being damaged or is reasonably in danger of being damaged;
  3. As directed by The University of Toledo Police Department;
  4. To silence disruptive noise;
  5. To determine if Resident has vacated during a fire alarm or drill;
  6. When necessary for the health, safety or welfare of Resident or anyone else in the room; or
  7. For other reasons determined necessary by Residence Life Staff Members.

15. PERSONAL PROPERTY DAMAGE:  The University assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to a Resident’s personal property. The University highly encourages all Residents to get personal property insurance.

16. ABANDONED PROPERTY/FACILITY DAMAGES: Resident assumes care for the physical facilities of the residence units. Depending on the type of residential facility, a unit may be a room, suite or house. Damage to the Resident’s room and furnishings will be the financial responsibility of the assigned occupant(s) of the room, if the responsible party(ies) cannot be identified. Damage to the common area of a suite will be the financial responsibility of all suite-mates, if the responsible party(ies) cannot be identified. If damage beyond normal wear and tear occurs to the public areas of the residence hall or house and it is not possible to determine the responsible party(ies), Residents of the floor/suite/wing or building may share the financial responsibility for such damage. Resident may not be permitted to live in a residence hall or house the following academic year if all property damages have not been paid in full. Resident may not install or use a satellite dish, cable, wireless router or any other device or contract with any provider to run television, internet, gaming, etc. to the facilities other than what is provided by the University. Abandoned property will be held for 30 days after resident checks out of residence hall unless it is determined by staff to be trash. Charges associated with the removal, storage, and disposal of abandoned property will be placed on the student’s account.

17. KEY/ID LOANING AND DUPLICATING: Duplication and loaning of University-issued keys or ID cards or accommodation of unauthorized guests is prohibited. Residents found in violation will be subject to judicial action under the Student Code of Conduct.

18. GUESTS AND VISITORS: A Guest is defined as any individual who visits a University residential facility in which they or the Guest do not reside. Guests are expected to observe all University rules and regulations. Overnight Guests may be accommodated for a maximum of two consecutive nights with written roommate consent via a guest pass permit available at the information desk. Guests are not permitted during the break periods. Residents who have unauthorized overnight guests may be charged the daily cost of the room rate and may be subject to disciplinary action. Hosts assume full responsibility for the behavior and activities of their Guest(s) regardless of whether the host is present to observe the behavior of the Guest(s). For safety and security reasons, hosts are expected, whenever, reasonably possible, to accompany their guests at all times. Guests are required to register at the residence hall information desk. Guests are to check out at the same location when the visit is complete.

Guests are prohibited from entering a residential facility without a host and must abide to the terms herein when visiting a University residential facility.

19. ILLNESS: If Resident becomes ill or incapacitated, Resident authorizes University to engage the services of the local emergency medical service, physician(s), or other health care provider(s), at the expense of Resident, to administer to immediate medical needs of Resident until Resident’s parents or guardians are contacted for instructions.  Upon the advice of emergency medical personnel, a physician, or other health care provider, Resident may be required to be removed from the Resident Hall for care in a medical facility, and any expense so incurred is the obligation of Resident.  Resident must inform University of any special medical requirements that Resident has on a continuing basis so that such information will be available if an emergency arises. 

20. COVID-19 ACKNOLWEDGMENT:  All Students living on campus will be required to comply with health requirements as established and published by the University. By executing this Agreement for on-campus housing and dining, it is fully understood that Resident may be exposed to COVID-19 and other infections. Similar to other highly contagious viruses, it is understood that it is possible to contract the COVID-19 disease, even if the Resident complies with all health and safety measures as required by the University and as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Ohio Department of Health (ODH). It is understood that although the University is following the coronavirus guidelines issued by the CDC, ODH, and other experts to reduce the spread of infection, the Resident can never be completely shielded from all risk of illness caused by COVID-19 or other infections. 

21. TERMINATION OF HOUSING CONTRACT BY RESIDENT:  If Resident wishes to cancel the Housing Contract prior to occupancy, they or Resident must do so in writing, by 5 p.m. on the first day of classes of a term, to not be charged housing. If Resident wishes to cancel the Housing Contract after occupancy, Resident must submit a contract release request form which can be found on the Office of Residence Life webpage Requests will be reviewed by the Office of Residence Life and if approved, release from the Housing Contract will be in effect upon the issuance of the decision but Resident will still be responsible for cancellation fees, at the current amount as established by the Office of Residence Life. If Resident’s request is denied, the Housing Contract will continue and Resident will be liable for the full amount for housing. Not checking into the residence hall or checking out of the residence hall does not release Resident from your Housing Contract.  The Resident will still be responsible for the full financial obligation of the assigned room until a contract release has been submitted and approved.  If approved, the financial obligations will cease on the date of approval, and not sooner.

Residents who are graduating or withdrawing from the University will be released from their Housing Contract upon filing a contract release request form and submitting supporting documentation.

If Resident becomes unregistered at any point in the semester (fall, spring, or summer), Resident is thereby automatically terminating the Housing Contract as a result. Resident is required to vacate the residential facilities within 24 hours. Resident will be financially responsible until the date Resident completely vacates the facilities and returns issued key(s).

22. TERMINATION OF HOUSING CONTRACT BY UNIVERSITY:  The Housing Contract may be terminated by the University for violation of law, breach of contract, violation of University or residence hall regulations or policies, conduct or existence of such conditions that would reasonably affect the health, safety or welfare of the Resident or others; revocation of student status; or nonpayment of housing or University fees.  The University will not be liable or deemed in default for any delay or failure in performance under the Contract or interruption of service resulting directly or indirectly from acts of God, civil or military authority, acts of the public enemy, war, riots, civil disturbances, insurrections, pandemics, epidemics, accidents, fires, explosions, earthquakes, floods, the elements or any other cause as declared at the discretion of the University and beyond the reasonable control of the University.

If the University takes action to terminate the Housing Contract for failure to comply with any of the Terms and Conditions or violation of the Student Code of Conduct or any University policy, rule, or procedure, the Resident will receive a notice with a right to be heard and a hearing in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 5321.031 and the Student Code of Conduct adjudication process.

23. HOUSING REIMBURSEMENT IF TERMINATION OCCURS: In the case of early termination, the policies and information regarding housing and meal plan reimbursement for which Resident is subject can be found at:  In the event of termination, the University retains the right to calculate any and all refunds and will consider many factors such as the reason for termination, the remainder of time left in the occupancy term, and other factors related to the utility costs and administrative expenses of the University.

24. CONDUCT: If Resident breaches the Housing Contract, the Contract may be terminated in accordance with the Terms and Conditions herein. Students removed from housing for conduct reasons are responsible for the remaining charges associated with their housing contract for the full academic year unless approved for a contract cancellation. In addition, Resident may be charged in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.  Violations that may result in immediate termination of the Housing Contract include but are not limited to:

  1. Physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment;
  2. Use, unauthorized possession, manufacturing or distribution of marijuana, narcotics, or illegal drugs;
  3. Use or unauthorized storage of firearms, fireworks or realistic replicas of weapons on university premises;
  4. Conduct that is disorderly, lewd, or indecent; disruption or obstruction of Education;
  5. Attempted or actual theft or destruction of or unauthorized use or possession of property of any kind belonging to the University, a member of the University community, a campus visitor, or a person or agency participating in a University activity;
  6. Indictment and/or conviction of a crime as set forth in divisions (A)(4) or (A)(5) of section 109.572 of the Ohio Revised Code.

25. REQUIRED DINING PLANS: Students that reside in a UT Residence Hall (with the exception of McComas Village) and Honors Academic Village are required to have a meal plan for Fall and Spring semesters.  Residential students that are freshman and sophomores (under 60 earned credit hours) are required to purchase the Diamond, Platinum, or Gold plan.  Residential students with greater than 60 earned credit hours may choose any meal plan that UT offers.  Students will automatically be enrolled in the Platinum Plan, but can change this plan by going to their myUT account. Students may change their meal plan up to the add/drop date posted by the University, which is the first 14 days of classes. Residential students will be automatically renewed in Spring term based on their Fall term meal plan selection.  Non-residential students will not be automatically renewed. Should you have any questions about the meal plans, you can visit the Dining's website or email with further questions.

26. TERMS OF THE REQUIRED DINING PLANS:  Students that are required to have a meal plan subject to Section 23 above, understand and acknowledge the following terms:

  1. The resident may change resident’s selected dining plan choice until the last Sunday of the Add/Drop period. This change will become effective within 48 hours following the date when the resident’s dining plan change request is received by University Dining.
  2. The resident agrees that no changes can be made after the last Sunday of the Add/Drop period.
  3. The resident agrees to use and maintain the university identification card to access services in the dining facilities or other dining retail locations.
  4. The resident agrees that access privileges in the dining facilities are limited to the student whose name appears on the Rocket ID card.
  5. The resident agrees that refunds are not made for unused meals.
  6. The resident agrees that University Dining may, at its sole discretion, consolidate dining services and reduce serving hours in the dining facilities.
  7. Dining plans may be terminated with written consent of the University Dining District Manager if the student has a medical condition certified by a physician that cannot be accommodated in dining facilities.
  8. Dining plans may be terminated under an approved termination of the housing contract.
  9. The dining plan is non-transferable.
  10. Specifics related to Dining Dollars:
    • Dining Dollars will carry over from Fall to Spring semester within the academic year.
    • Dining Dollars are included with the purchase of a meal plan and are used as a declining balance.
    • Dining Dollars may be used in any on-campus University Dining services’ facility.
    • Cash withdrawals from Dining Dollars accounts are not permitted.
    • Any remaining Dining Dollars balance upon graduation and/or separation from the University will be forfeited.
    • The University will disclose Dining Dollars account information to third parties regarding an account or transfer only (1) in order to comply with court orders or other applicable laws or (2) if the resident gives written consent.
    • The resident may access resident’s Dining Dollars transaction history online at

11. Meal plan fees will be applied to the student account and subject to the Student Fees and accounts policy #3364-40-19 located here,

27. CONTRACT ALTERATIONS/MODIFICATIONS: The University reserves the right to alter or change the Agreement as deemed necessary in writing to the Resident. Any Resident with a valid Agreement will receive communication regarding modifications to this Agreement via their University email account.

28. GOVERNING LAW: The Undersigned further agrees that this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio, which shall be the forum for any lawsuits filed under or incident to this Agreement. The term and provisions of this Agreement shall be severable, such that if a court of competent jurisdiction holds any term to be illegal, unenforceable, or in conflict with any law governing this Agreement the validity of the remaining portions shall not be affected thereby.

29. FITNESS FACILITIES WAIVER: In consideration of University’s permission to use amenities such as the fitness facilities at the Residence Hall, Resident waives any and all claims that may be asserted against University or University’s agents, representatives, employees, or contractors, arising from or with respect to Resident’s use of amenities. This waiver also applies with respect to any injury or illness that may result (directly or indirectly) from any utilization of amenities. If Resident uses the fitness facilities or other amenities, Resident represents and warrants that Resident is in proper physical condition to use these facilities and has read, understands, and will comply with all posted and/or published warnings, rules, regulations, and hours of operation.

30. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: It is expressly understood and agreed that this Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto and that University is not and shall not be bound by any representations, agreements, or promises, oral or written, which are not contained in this Agreement. This Agreement may not be modified orally.

31. MOLD PREVENTION: To minimize the occurrence and/or growth of mold in the Premises and Residence Halls, Resident hereby agrees to the following:

  1.  Resident shall provide and properly use a shower curtain in a way sufficient to prevent splash.
  2. Resident shall remove any visible moisture accumulation in or on the Premises, including on walls, windows, floors, ceilings, and bathroom fixtures; mop up spills and thoroughly dry the affected area as soon as possible after occurrence; use exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom when necessary; and keep climate and moisture in the Premises at reasonable levels.
  3. Resident shall clean and dust the Premises regularly, and shall keep the Premises, particularly the kitchen and bathroom, clean.
  4. Resident shall promptly notify Residence Hall in writing of the presence of the following conditions: A water leak, excessive moisture, or standing water inside the Premises.
  5. A water leak, excessive moisture, or standing water in any common area.
    • Mold growth in or about the Premises that persists after Resident has tried several times to remove it with household cleaning solution, such as Lysol or Pine-Sol disinfectants, Tilex Mildew Remover, or Clorox, or a combination of water and bleach.
    • A malfunction in any part of the heating, air-conditioning, or ventilation system in the Premises.
    • Resident shall be liable to University for damages sustained to the Premises or to Resident’s person or property as a result of Resident’s failure to comply with the terms of this section.

32. INDEMNIFICATION: Resident agrees to indemnify the University, its governing board, officers, employees, agents, students and the state of Ohio from and against any and all costs losses, damages, liabilities, expenses, demands, and judgments, including court costs, and attorney’s fees, which may arise out of Resident’s performance of this Agreement, except to the extent such are caused by the sole fault or negligence of the University.  Resident agrees to indemnify the University, its governing board, officers, employees, agents, and the state of Ohio from and against any and all costs, losses, damages, liabilities, expenses, demands, and judgements including court costs and attorney’s fees, suffered by failure to perform this Agreement according to its provisions.

Last Updated: 7/15/24