Title IX Office


The University takes seriously the need to respect the privacy of the parties in responding to reports and complaints of sexual misconduct. The University shares information on a limited, “need to know” basis, in accordance with federal and state privacy laws and the Ohio Public Records Act.

In some instances, complainants may request that the University handle their complaints in a confidential manner. The University generally will respect a complainant’s request for confidentiality; however, in some instances, the University may not be able to honor such a request. The University’s Title IX Coordinator reviews requests for confidentiality, taking into account factors including whether the safety of others or the campus is at issue and the number of complaints against a respondent. The complainant will be notified of the determination regarding the request for confidentiality as soon as possible.

The University is required to share with the University’s Clery Officer certain types of conduct unless the reports are made exclusively to confidential sources. To maintain the confidentiality of a report of sexual misconduct, complainants should utilize the University’s Counseling Center, University’s Psychology Clinic or the off campus resources identified below.

Contact information for confidential reporting resources is available from:

UT Counseling Center
YWCA Rape Crisis Center

Click to view the printable resource guide. All Confidential resources are in yellow. 

Last Updated: 1/31/25