Title IX Office

Assistance for Individuals Who are Accused

Individuals accused of sex discrimination, including sexual misconduct, are generally referred to as “respondents” in the University’s policies and procedures. UToledo strives to provide respondents with prompt and fair investigatory and adjudicatory processes and treats respondents with respect throughout the Title IX process.


Respondents will receive timely notice of the charges against them and will be provided with a meaningful opportunity respond to those charges. Respondents may identify witnesses and submit evidence during the investigation and adjudication of the complaint. Respondents will receive updates on the status of the investigation and written notice of the outcome of the process. Respondents who receive an adverse outcome at the conclusion of the disciplinary process have the option of filing an appeal with the University.


Upon receipt of notice that a Title IX complaint has been filed, respondents are encouraged to consult with an advisor of their choice. Advisors can help explain policies and procedures, provide support during meetings with the University as part of the investigation and adjudication of the complaint, and consult with respondents as they prepare documents in support of their cases. Respondents who need assistance identifying an advisor may contact the Title IX Coordinator.

Student respondents also may wish to utilize free, confidential counseling services through the University’s Counseling Center. Faculty and staff respondents may utilize the services provided by the employee assistance program.  

Criminal complaints

Under Title IX, the University is required to address complaints of sexual misconduct in a prompt manner, including in instances where there is a pending law enforcement proceeding. The University recognizes that this could result in respondents defending against criminal charges at the same time that they are involved in the University’s Title IX process. UT respects the constitutional rights of respondents and does not presume that respondents have violated University policies unless there has been a finding through the adjudicatory process.

Last Updated: 8/2/24