University College

gpa Toolkit

GPA Toolkit Purpose Statement:

Here is your one-stop shop for GPA information. Use the calculator to figure out how to increase your GPA to meet a personal goal, or to apply to various programs of interest. There are other resources to explore here that focus on managing your GPA, developing and benchmarking action plans, and resources to support and assist you.

GPA Calculator:

This calculator has been designed to calculate the credits you need to improve your current Grade Point Average. Need to figure out what your GPA is and what you need to get into a program?

Use your unofficial transcript in Banner Self-Service to enter your information in the GPA calculator as shown in the example below.

To access your unofficial transcript, click here.

An unofficial transcript

You will see the credits and grades required to reach your desired overall GPA. This calculator will not estimate the impact grade replacement will have on your GPA, and please note, transfer work is not counted toward the overall GPA.

GPA Calculator

GPA Shortcuts:

You want to find your GPA using only a pen and paper? This step-by-step module will show how:

  • Calculate GPA Manually
  • Instructions for Shortcut for Calculating a 2.0 GPA
  • Instructions for Shortcut for Calculating a 3.0 GPA 

Additionally, here are some GPA documents: 

  • Higher-Education GPA document: The Higher Education GPA is used by most selective admission programs like Nursing and Pharmacy to determine eligibility for admission to those programs. It is also used for the same purpose for admission to most graduate programs. An explanation and example are in the link.
  • Semester GPA Worksheet: This worksheet will help you calculate Grade Point Average

Infographics and  Powerpoint:

Use these Infographics to help determine what grades you need to achieve and how many credit hours to raise your GPA.

Use this PowerPoint to learn more about information on GPA Trends and Issues

HELPFUL Resources:

UToledo has services that can help you as you are raising your GPA. 

  • Learning Enhancement Center (LEC) -  LEC is UToledo's one stop shop for tutoring, assistance with study skills, time management and test taking strategies. If you're stuck in a class and unsure of what to do start here!  
  • Supplemental Instruction (SI) - SI offers peer led study groups for some of the most challenging science classes on campus. The sessions are facilitated by students who have great GPAs and have completed the classes. You can learn new ways to break down and understand difficult material, get study tips and ask questions in a relaxed setting. 
  • Writing Center - You can get help with writing projects, papers, creative writing and chapter drafts. Tutors help by generating notes, ideas and outlines with the writer. They can explain and offer assistance with all stages of the writing process.

GPA Hacks (rolling):

GPA Hacks are proven strategies, ideas, or actions that you can take to improve your GPA. A random hack is displayed below from the full list of Hacks. Happy Hacking!

supplemental instruction:

Peer Led Study/Review groups are available in many science subjects. Attending Supplemental Instruction sessions regularly has been proven to help students raise their grades in these challenging classes. For details see:

Last Updated: 7/15/24