Welcome to the Cell and Cancer Biology Graduate Track
Welcome to the Cell and Cancer Biology (CCB) graduate track. The CCB graduate track students may pursue the Master of Science (M.S.) or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), or after acceptance into the medical school, a combined M.D./Ph.D. or M.D./M.S. degree. Our mission is to train the next generation of scientists with professional excellence and leadership skills. The CCB track provides outstanding training opportunities in all aspects of cancer research, from basic to translational research.
Our students are diverse, coming from the local area, across the country, and from different parts of the world. Through our rigorous and broad training, students are able to publish, not only in scientific journals, but also communicate their findings at national and international scientific meetings and to the local community by publishing in the local newspaper, The Toledo Blade. Students also have the option to join the Graduate Student Association and become members of various committees at the University of Toledo College of Medicine & Life Sciences, organize local and regional research forums, and compete for various awards such as the Graduate Student Association research award, College of Graduates Studies awards, the CCB Excellent Graduate Student Award, and numerous local philanthropic awards. Our past graduates have taken positions in academic institutions as postdoctoral fellows and faculty, or research scientists in industry. Your future from here is bright and filled with numerous career possibilities.
The CCB graduate track has a diverse membership of faculty. The faculty have a common research interest in cancer, focusing on a variety of topics, including signal transduction, epigenetic regulation, tumor microenvironment and metastasis, dormancy and reactivation, DNA damage and repair, translational regulation, stem cell and reprogramming, drug resistance and drug discovery. Our faculty are outstanding scientists with national and international stature in their fields and a strong track record with funding from the National Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society, Department of Defense, and other cancer-related funding sources.
Please email questions, comments and suggestions to the Cell and Cancer Biology track director, Dr. Xiaohong Li.