Cell and Cancer Biology Track

Cancer Biology Curriculum

All Biomedical Sciences students enroll in a core curriculum during year 1 that is designed to provide a foundation of knowledge for cutting edge research. The core curriculum is a mixture of didactic, small group discussion, laboratory courses, and laboratory rotations. The topics begin with simple biological molecules and progress to a comprehensive discussion of systems pathophysiology. Several cancer-related courses are available to advanced students following completion of the core curriculum.

YEAR 1 - Ph.D. Students

Current Problems and Research Approaches in...  
    BMSP 6330: Protein Structure and Catalysis 2
    BMSP 6340: Genes and Genomes  2
    BMSP 6360: Cell Membranes 2
    BMSP 6380: Methods in Biomedical Sciences 2
    Introduction to Biomedical Research (no course #) 0
    BMSP 6390: Mentored Research  1
TOTAL                                                                                                                   9
SPRING SEMESTER all are required  
BMSP 6340: CPRA in Cell Biology and Signaling 
BMSP 6470: Systems Pathophysiology I & II 4
CABP 6560: Readings in Cancer Biology
BMSP 6390: Mentored Research  1
BMSP 7320: Statistical Methods required 
CABP 6730 Research in CABP or  
CABP 6890 Independent Study in Cancer Biology 0-3
or other electives   
INDI 6020 "On Being a Scientist"  1


CABP 8270:Advanced Cancer Biology required in year 2 or 3 0-3
BIPG 7100 Fundamentals of BPG required in year 2 fall semester 3
CABP 9990 Dissertation research** OR 0-6 
CABP 6730 Research in CABP 0-6 
CABP 8890 Independent Study in Cancer Biology or other elective 0-6
**Only if Qualifying Exam has been passed)  
Successful completion of Qualifying Exam is required by the end of Fall semester year 2  

YEAR 1 - Masters Students

FALL SEMESTER (all are required)  
Current Problems and Research Approaches (CPRA) in ...  
   BMSP 6330: Protein Structure and Catalysi  2
   BMSP 6340: Genes and Genomes  2
   BMSP 6360: Cell Membranes  2
BMSP 6380: Methods in Biomedical Sciences  2
Introduction to Biomedical Research (no course number) 0
BMSP 6390: Mentored Research  1
BMSP 6430: CPRA in Cell Biology and Signaling  3
CABP 6560: Readings in Cancer Biology  1
BMSP6470: Systems Pathophysiology I & II 4
BMSP 6390: Mentored Research  1
BMSP 5320: Statistical Methods  3
BIPG 5110: Practical Bioinformatics - BIPG 5110 1
INDI 6020 "On Being a Scientist" 1
CABP 6730 Research in CABP or  
CABP 6890 Independent Study in Cancer Biology or other electives 0-2


CABP 6270: Advanced Cancer Biology  required year 2 OR 3 0-3 
CABP 6990: Thesis Research 1-9
Cancer Biology courses, electives, qualifying exam, thesis credit (after successful
completion of the qualifying exam) 

Advanced Courses in the Cell and Cancer Biology Track

Advanced Cancer Biology
A comprehensive examination of the cellular and molecular foundation of cancer.  Topics to be covered include: neoplasia; epidemiology and etiology; the role of causative agents such as chemicals, radiation, and viruses; cell proliferation, injury, and death; oncogenes; tumor suppressor genes; and an overview of cancer therapy.

Readings in Cancer Biology
A readings and discussion course that will examine classic and current research publications from within the broad realm of cancer biology.
*Ph.D. candidates are required to take 3 credit hours, Master's students are required to take 1 credit hour.

Independent Study in Cancer Biology
Intensive study in the field of cancer biology including theoretical and experimental work. 

Research in Cancer Biology
Intensive laboratory research work in cancer biology. 


Students interested in Cancer Biology should apply online. Students should declare "Cancer Biology" as their track/major choice.  Students will identify a major advisor after completing laboratory rotations during their first year of study.   

Apply Now

Last Updated: 7/15/24