Cell and Cancer Biology Track

Educational Program Objectives

Educational Program Objectives (EPOs)
Cell and Cancer Biology Track
Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program
University of Toledo College of Medicine 


Graduate educational programs shall articulate their objectives in order to permit the alignment of course instruction, research training, and evaluation of students with the program’s educational objectives (EPO).  To meet this requirement, the Cancer Biology (CB) faculty has adapted the following objectives for the program leading to the Ph.D. or M.S. degree in Biomedical Sciences in the CB Track.

The EPO competencies reflect scientific knowledge, skills, and professional attitudes.  The student’s progress will be evaluated and documented with respect to competence in each of these three areas and over the duration of years needed to complete the degree requirements.

I:  A CB graduate student will be knowledgeable

In the course of their educational program, students are provided the opportunity to gain knowledge through instruction by content experts and by supervised participation in research projects.  Knowledge will be assessed by the student’s ability to define, describe, and explain facts and concepts, as well as at higher levels of cognition that will be measured by the ability to apply, analyze, and integrate content.

Before graduation, a student will have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the faculty:

 K1       Knowledge of the normal structure and function of the body and each of its organ systems.

 K2       Knowledge of molecular, biochemical, and cellular mechanisms that are important in maintaining the body’s homeostasis.

 K3       Knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of oncogenic transformation from initiation of cells through tumor metastasis.

 K4       Knowledge of the pathophysiology of prominent types of cancer.

 K5       Knowledge of basic bioinformatic and statistical methods used in the design and interpretation of research projects.

 K6       Knowledge of the principles and legal responsibilities that govern responsible conduct of research, the ethical care and use of animals in research, and the accurate reporting of research results.

II.  A CB graduate student will be skilled

The CB curriculum provides a training environment in which research and teaching skills are learned in concert with the correlated knowledge.  Students have the opportunity to gain these skills under the supervision of a faculty mentors with the advice and guidance of the student advisory committee, through direct contact with content and/or technical experts, and through direct participation in research projects.

Before graduation, a student will have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the faculty:

 S1        The ability to perform laboratory procedures necessary for the completion of the student’s dissertation (Ph.D.) or thesis (M.S.) research project(s).

 S2        The ability to design and complete an independent research project.

 S3        The ability to perform research productively as an individual or member of a research team.

 S4        The ability to communicate research findings effectively, both orally and in writing.

 S5        The ability to retrieve (from electronic databases and other sources), manage, and utilize biomedical information for solving problems that are relevant to the appropriate completion of a research project, and accurate reporting of the results.

III.  A CB graduate will be professional

The University of Toledo College of Medicine and the Biomedical Sciences Program recognize the importance of role-modeling and directly training the professional conduct and character of its students.  The institution and the CB Track devote curricular and extracurricular time to the development of ethical standards humanistic and professional behaviors by its students. 

Before graduation, students will have met the following institutional standards:

 P1        Ethical, responsible, and reliable behavior in all aspects of their professional lives.

 P2        Honesty and integrity in all interactions with colleagues, research subjects, and others with whom students may interact in their professional lives.

 P3        Professionalism in dress and grooming in compliance with health and safety rules applicable to research laboratories and to other institutional and public sites.

 P4        Respect and adherence to all laws and regulations governing the biomedical research use of animals and patient materials, and for all patient privacy issues.




Last Updated: 7/15/24