Cell Architecture and Dynamics: Area of Research Excellence


Graduate Student Excellence
Dr. Song-Tao Liu has applied to the NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) grant to support active research participation by undergraduate students in Cell Architecture and Dynamics. The grant has been submitted for the 2020-2022 summer semesters, so come back again in early 2020 to check the status of the grant! REU
Electron Microscope
Dr. William Gunning led an initiative to secure funds to purchase a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). Funding was awarded with a NSF/MRI grant. The TEM has been purchased and is already being used in faculty research. MRI
Super Resolution Microscope
We have recently purchased a super resolution microscope that will transform our faculty research. This initiative was led by Dr. Tomer Avidor-Reiss, Dr. Rafael Garcia-Mata and Dr. Scott Crawley.

Undergraduate Education
Dr. Robert Steven is leading the effort to develop a Cell Architecture and Dynamics concentration for undergraduate students in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Toledo.
Dr. Rafael Garcia-Mata has organized, for three consecutive years, Toledo CellulART, an ASB sponsored meeting that brings together the art and scientific communities in the Toledo area to promote collaboration, interaction and discussion between researchers working with the cytoskeleton. Toledo CellulART
Dr. Silvia Goicoechea is leading the effort of creating and updating the Cell Architecture and Dynamics website.
Last Updated: 7/15/24