Diplomas and Certificates
- Diplomas and certificates are mailed after students have been cleared by their college office and the degree has been posted to their transcript. This generally occurs within forty-five days following commencement.
- Once the degree has been posted, students should generally expect to receive their diploma or certificate by mail within three weeks. To see their posted degree, students can check their unofficial transcript online through the myUT Portal.
- In all instances, the awarding of degrees is subject to the completion of degree requirements.
- The mailing of the diploma or certificate will be delayed should there be any holds on a student's record (e.g. traffic fines, financial obligations, library fines). Log in to the myUT portal/Student Self-Service link to be sure there are no holds on your account that could delay the receipt of your diploma.
- Diplomas are mailed through our diploma production company to the address requested via the online Application to Graduate. You will receive an email to your Rockets address from the diploma production company once your diploma has shipped.
- You may not pick up your diploma or certificate from the Registrar's Office at this time. Diplomas will be mailed directly from the printer. If you indicated "Hold for pick-up," please update your diploma address using the Diploma Address Change web form.
- Diplomas and certificates are issued four times a year: May, June (Medical students only), August and December.
- For students who graduate May 2022 or after, UToledo is offering the option to purchase digital diplomas/certificates. Learn more about CeDiplomas.
- Diploma and Certificate Content: Student's name, college, degree, date of graduation and honors earned. Note: Majors, minors and concentrations do not appear on the diploma.
- Diploma and Certificate Size:
Undergraduate diplomas and certificates are 8 x 10 inches
All other diplomas and certificates are 11 x 14 inches
Replacement Diplomas and Certificates
Replacement diplomas and certificates are available by completing the online Replacement
Diploma Application and following the instructions as indicated.
The replacement diploma or certificate will bear the signatures of the current administration,
will be issued from the college that currently houses the academic program, and will
contain the following notation at the bottom "Replacement Diploma" or "Replacement
There is a limit of one replacement diploma per degree.
Please note that only debit or credit cards may be used to request and pay for a replacement diploma. Checks, online checks or money orders are not accepted.
Diploma pick-up is not currently available. Please provide a current mailing address
with your replacement diploma application.
Online Replacement Diploma Application
Contact Information:
For additional information please email Graduation@utoledo.edu.