Division of Medical Physics

Radiation Dosimetry I

UT HSC Medical Physics Course MPHY 6120/8120 (CRN: 56283/56269)
3 credit hours
Fall semester 2021

Class Time:   Monday 9:30 PM - 12:15 PM
Office Hours:   Before/after class or by appointment
Instructor: Diana Shvydka, PhD, DABR
Text Book: H. E. Johns and J. R. Cunningham
Physics of Radiology, 4th edition, Charles C. Thomas, 1983
Self-study Books: 

E. B. Podgorsak, Compendium to Radiation Physics for Medical Physicists
(Access to the e-book version is available through UT library)

H. E. Johns and J. R. Cunningham,
Solutions to selected problems from the Physics of Radiology, Fourth Edition,
Charles C. Thomas, 1991


The final grade is determined based on relative performance of the class using the following scheme:

6 quizzes:  50%
Midterm exam:  25%
Final exam:  25%

Quiz/exam grades (posted when available)

Complete Syllabus

Course Schedule with lecture handout links





 1-2. Review of basic concepts. Production and properties of x rays




 ****Labor day – no class 




3. The fundamentals of nuclear physics



  Quiz Ch.1-2

 4. High energy machines



 5. The interaction of ionizing radiation with matter



 Quiz Ch.3-4

 6. The basic interactions between photons and charged particles with matter




 7-8. Measurement of radiation: dosimetry concepts and theory. The quality of x rays and half-value layer


Ch7: 5,10,12,13,14
Ch8: 4,5,10,11

 Quiz Ch.5-6

 9. Measurement of radiation: instrumentation and techniques 




  Chapters 1-8



Midterm Exam  

 10. The interaction of single beams of x and gamma rays with scattering medium




 11. Treatment planning - single beam



 Quiz Ch.9-10

 12. Treatment planning - combination of beams




 14. Nuclear medicine
      Binomial vs other distributions



 Quiz Ch.11-12

 15. Radiation protection




 Introduction to physics of solid state devices
 Dosimetry near high-Z inhomogeneities 
 Proton beam therapy treatment planning
 Carbon ions therapy



 Quiz Ch.14-15

     Chapters 9-12, 14-15



 Final Exam

Note: underlined problems are solved in “Solutions to selected problems from the Physics of Radiology, Fourth Edition” by H. E. Johns and J. R. Cunningham, Charles C. Thomas, 1991.

Last Updated: 7/15/24