Medical Student Handbook

ZERO GRAVITY: Student Life in Rocket Medicine

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Student Services 

The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences places a high priority on supporting student well-being and resilience, so that students can thrive throughout their enrollment. Students will have access to a comprehensive network of support and resources to ensure they find the help they need, when they need it. 

Study/Relaxation Spaces

The following spaces are available for students to gather for individual or group study as well as relaxation:

  • Academic Enrichment Center/ Mulford Garden Student Lounge
  • Alumni Lounges (Health Education Building and basement of Mulford Library)
  • Collier Building, first floor (tables and soft seating)
  • Collier Building, basement (tables)
  • Health Education Building, first floor (computer lab by HEB, 105 and tables and soft seating by HEB 100)
  • Health Science Building-Department of Neurosciences:
    • Conference Room HSB 188 A/B
    • Chair’s Conference Room HSB 176
    • Kitchenette HSB 189
  • Hospital first floor, cafeteria (tables)
  • Interprofessional Immersive Simulation Center common space
  • Mulford Annex, third floor lounge (tables and soft seating)
  • Mulford Library
  • Wolfe Center, first floor (tables and soft seating)

Office of Student Affairs 

The Office of Student Affairs provides services, programs, and resources to support students’ personal and 

professional development and well-being throughout their medical education. It is responsible for: 

  • Comprehensive student support services, including academic advising and support, personal counseling, and career advising 
  • Assistance with registration and scheduling, including oversight and approval of elective scheduling 
  • Provision of financial aid, including emergency loans, financial counseling, and receipt of payments as needed 
  • Oversight of student compliance, including immunizations, tuberculosis screening, HIPAA compliance, blood borne pathogen training, and pathogen exposure management 
  • Support and oversight of student interest groups, and peer tutoring 
  • Provision of medical specialty and residency selection advising, and oversight of the residency application and selection process 
  • Provision of support for ceremonies (e.g., white coat ceremony, commencement, Match Day). 

Student Service Center 

The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences places a high priority on supporting student well-being and resilience so that students can thrive throughout their enrollment. Students will have access to a comprehensive network of support and resources to ensure they find the help they need, when they need it. 

The University of Toledo Health Science Campus Student Service Center is located on the 1st Floor of the Mulford Library. Staff can assist you with student accounts, financial aid, registration, degree audit, transcripts and many other important student business concerns. 

Accessibility and Disability Services 

Each year, The Office of Accessibility and Disability Resources serves hundreds of students across all disciplines and campuses who experience access barriers in the following areas: technological, physical, attitudinal or programmatic (academic, social or university- wide.) Disability related access issues might be connected to psychological, learning, mental health, chronic health, physical, sensory, temporary and/or other medical conditions. 

We invite you to connect with our office by calling 419.530.4981 or emailing 

Career Advising and Development 

The Office of Student Affairs at The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences (UTCOMLS) is your hub for career and residency advising. We are responsible for small- and large-group career planning programming as well as individual, one-on-one counseling. UTCOM's systematic approach to career advising and residency counseling spans all four years of medical school. Programming begins with M1 orientation and lasts through graduation, tailored to critical junctures and transitions over the course of your medical school career. 

Student Organizations 

Students will find opportunities to explore various interests and opportunities through student organizations through UTCOMLS, as well as the University of Toledo Main campus. More information about student organizations is available on Invonet. 

Personal Counseling and Well-Being 

The college has an accessible, confidential, and effective process to provide personal counseling for its medical students. Mental health services are provided by the UTMC Student Behavioral Health Center on the Health Science Campus located in the main level of the Ruppert Health Center, Suite 1600. The is a board-certified psychiatrist on staff at this location for psychiatry appointments. The psychiatrist is a member of the faculty but has no teaching or evaluation responsibilities for any of the medical students. The location and design of the clinic assures confidentiality and privacy for the students receiving psychiatric care. Therapy appointments are provided Monday – Friday from 9am-4pm by a clinical therapist on faculty in the Department of Psychiatry. The services may include counseling regarding relationships, test anxiety, confidence issues, as well as other mental health concerns. 

A student wellness counselor is housed in the Academic Enrichment Center on a full-time basis. This individual is a trained social worker/therapist and is capable of helping students for acute mental health episodes and referring students with more chronic needs to the clinical counselor or psychiatrist on the HSC or to the University Counseling Center on Main Campus, or another provider based on insurance coverage. 

The University Counseling Center on Main Campus is open Monday-Friday 8:15am-5:00pm. 

Students also have 24/7 telephone access to a Harbor counselor. The Main Campus Medical Center also provides mental health services, which include psychiatric and counseling services. Main Campus Medical Center has a psychiatrist and a licensed counselor on staff to provide mental health services to students. Counseling and medication evaluation and management are available. The services are provided in a private and confidential setting. Mental health services hours are available daily until 5 p.m. and are arranged in the evening when necessary. 

Privacy practices for both centers are compliant with federal and Ohio law regarding protection of private health information. Certain provisions of Ohio law may be more stringent than the federal laws and regulations, thus further protecting the privacy of medical information. The UTMC Student Behavioral Health Services on the Health Science Campus, as required by law, complies with the more stringent confidentiality provisions of Ohio law. Additional counseling services are made available for students related to emergent situations such as grief counseling, response to physical and emotional trauma, and natural disasters. 

Liability Insurance Coverage 

All students are covered for professional liability insurance under the University of Toledo Medical Assurance Company (LLC). The informational memo outlining this insurance can be found here. 

Student Health and Disability Insurance 

Medical students are required to maintain active health insurance coverage during all periods of enrollment, whether through the school or through another provider. All University of Toledo students are enrolled in a student health insurance plan unless they actively opt out. Medical students are billed for mandatory disability insurance once per academic year. Information can be found here: 

Student Health Services 

Health services for students are provided at several sites from which the students may choose. 

The Health Science Campus Student Health Center is located at Suite 1650, Medical Pavilion (near Health Science Campus Pharmacy) 1125 Hospital Drive, Toledo, OH 43614. Other locations are also available. Students can call 419.383.5000 for appointments, and can find further information here. 

Health Screening and Immunization Requirements 

Documentation of immunization compliance is required of all medical students prior to matriculation. All medical students must maintain compliance with these requirements throughout their tenure in the medical school program, even while in a non-clinical segment of the curriculum. Students are encouraged to obtain the required vaccinations from their primary healthcare provider or other provider prior to matriculation. Students must be up to date on all health requirements before they can enter the clinical environment (cannot start a clerkship if all health requirements are not current).

Mandatory Tuberculosis Screening 

All incoming students with country of birth, country of citizenship, or application address indicating time spent in a country of high tuberculosis (TB) incidence per the World Health Organization (WHO) will be subject to mandatory onsite screening for active tuberculosis. ("High Incidence" areas are defined as having reported or estimated incidence of 20 or more cases per 100,000 population.) Students who do not comply with this screening requirement will have holds placed on subsequent registration. 

Health Requirements for Global Health Experiences 

All UT learners who plan to participate in an approved UTCOMLS Global Health elective/medical mission must comply with these procedures and complete required forms mandated by the UTCOMLS GHP (Global Health Program) in conjunction with both the UT Offices of Legal Affairs and Risk Management prior to departure. 

Occupational Exposure Procedures 

Students are educated about exposure to air and blood-borne pathogens prior to contact with patients. Standard precautions should be taken with all patients in all settings. 

All students are required to perform hand hygiene with traditional soap and water, alcohol-based hand sanitizer or waterless antimicrobial hand gel, spray, wipes or foam before and after every individual patient contact and before and after every contact with the patient environment even if gloves are worn. Students will utilize Wash In/Wash Out Process in every patient care environment. 

Students should be aware of infection control precautions policies. 

Students should also be aware of standardized procedure for treatment and management of occupational exposure in order to minimize risk. In the event of exposure to blood or body fluids, students should immediately: 

  • Excuse yourself and decontaminate (wash with soap and water) the exposed site immediately -Report to your immediate supervisor (Attending/Fellow/Resident physician) 
  • Get to care without delay for immediate treatment 
  • If at University of Toledo Medical Center, go to the Emergency Department and identify yourself as a Medical Student. University of Toledo Occupational Health (419 383 5598) is located in the Emergency Department. 
  • If at an outside facility (for away rotations/ global health elective/ Medical missions), follow the host institutional policy if known or go to the Emergency department. Follow up after immediate treatment. 
  • Regardless of where the initial care is received it is responsibility of the exposed student to bring in medical records for follow up care at Student Health Center (419 383 3745) to avoid delays in treatment. 
  • A follow-up visit should be scheduled to review the results of baseline testing, provide additional counseling and support and assess medication side effects, compliance and provide additional medication if applicable.
  • Notify office of student affairs-and fill out the Student Accident and Injury report-if not done already.
  • Office of Student Affairs will contact office of disability as deemed necessary.


  • At the University of Toledo Medical Center Occupational Health all charges will be waived 
  • Outside facility: If the hospital does not cover the cost then the University of Toledo College of 

Medicine and Life Sciences will cover the student’s out-of-pocket costs up to a maximum of $1,000. 

Student Wellness Center for follow up care: any additional testing cost will be borne by the student. 

Contact for Questions: 

  • Director of Student Health – Student Health Center: 419-383-3745 
  • Associate Dean for Student Affairs: 419-383-4055 


All housing for graduate and professional students is off campus apartment living. Resources can be found here. 


Students are required to purchase a parking permit for each semester, or an annual permit, which is billed for either two semesters or three semesters at the beginning of the academic year, depending on the year of enrollment. Students can manage their vehicle registration and permit here. Parking registration is required year round to avoid ticketing and fines. 

Tuition, Fees, and Financial Aid 

Student Financial Services 

The Student Service Center staff helps students understand their student account billing, how and why tuition and fees are assessed, payment options, financial aid and other student account concerns. Students may experience financial issues throughout their education and are encouraged to inquire about any concerns including applying for loans, scholarships, budgeting, returning loan funds or other matters. 

Tuition and Fees 

The most up-to-date information regarding tuition and fees can be found on the University Treasurer’s Office website. Click on the Graduate/Law & MD Fees button and The University of Toledo Student Finance Brochure button will be at the bottom of the page. Note tuition and various fees are located in different sections of the brochure. Medical students are typically assessed tuition, general fees, program fees, green fee, legal service fee and student health insurance each semester. If you are an out of state student, an out of state surcharge will also be assessed when tuition and fees are billed. All students are expected to accept financial responsibility for their account when they register for classes. Monthly student billing statements are generated, and students are expected to keep their accounts up to date with payment, payment arrangements and/or financial aid. Student bills, payment plans, payments and financial aid can all be accessed through the student MyUT web portal. 

Another helpful resource when estimating medical school costs for the year is the Cost of Attendance budget which can be found at  for each medical student class: The COA budget pdf links are located in the Resources Budgets section. There is also a Budgeting Worksheet for Students available to assist with personal expense budgeting. 

Financial Responsibility 

Each student is financially responsible for payment of fees and charges assessed to his/her student account. Student accounts may be audited (reviewed) and the University has no limitation on how many semesters it may go back to assess additional fees. Students receive bill notification electronically via their University of Toledo assigned e-mail address. The University e-mail address allows guaranteed delivery, provides quicker communication and is consistent with other processes. If other parties such as parents, grandparents, guardians, etc. are assisting a student with payment, it is the student’s responsibility to communicate the balance owed and the date it is due. Students may opt to provide others accessibility to view and/or make payments to their account. The student receives the educational services and is the account owner. Students can access their student account using the MyUT portal. The portal requires the student to log in using their password. The due date for each semester’s fees is communicated on the student’s account/E-statement and on the Treasurer’s website under Important Dates. After the due date is reached for the semester, any fees for the semester are due immediately after they are incurred. The due date at this point will always show as the current date. 

The Board of Trustees establishes all fees and charges. All fees are billed and payable in U.S. dollars. Any bank fees for processing foreign payments will be charged back to the student. The University accepts certified checks, personal checks, money orders and electronic payment of fees. Electronic payments can be made via the MyUT portal. It is recommended to convert cash to a bank check or money order when using the depository in Rocket Hall. The University accepts credit card payments via a third-party processor. The processor accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express. Prepaid debit cards are not accepted. 

Payments are made via the MyUT portal. The processor for credit cards assesses a convenience fee for these types of transactions. International students can elect to have payments made through Peer Transfer. The link and information is available on the E-statement. Payments will be applied to the oldest balance first. Payments received on a student’s behalf from a third party will be treated as a scholarship unless the University has already established a contract with the third party. Scholarships, waivers, loans and third-party contracts will apply to designated fees per academic semester. The University can also remove financial aid funds from a 

student’s rocket card to cover a past due balance on a student account without notification. 

Tuition Refund Policy and Refunds for Term Withdrawal 

See the Treasurer’s Office link to the Student Finance Brochure here. 

Financial Aid 

Financing Your Education
The University of Toledo and the College of Medicine and Life Sciences make every effort to help students with limited financial resources secure funding for their medical education. Medical students often seek out student loans to fund their medical school careers. The Office of Student Financial Aid assists students in obtaining federal student loans and processes private loan requests. 

Federal Financial Aid Eligibility
In order to be eligible for financial aid students must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible noncitizen; enrolled in a degree seeking program, maintain required enrollment and show academic progress (SAP) each term, among other requirements. See basic eligibility criteria.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Satisfactory Academic Progress is a requirement for all students enrolled at the University of Toledo. The Higher Education Act of 1976, as amended, requires UToledo to develop and apply a consistent and reasonable standard of academic progress for all students who receive federal financial aid (Title IV). This standard must contain all elements specified in the regulations and must be at least as strict as the policy used for all students who do not receive Title IV aid. This standard is applied to all students enrolled at UToledo, even in terms that they do not receive Title IV aid. See SAP Policy.

Applying for Federal Aid
To apply for financial aid, submit a FAFSA application at The FAFSA becomes available for the following year every Oct. 1. It is recommended that you submit the FAFSA and all required documentation by Feb. 1 each year. You must complete the FAFSA every year that you need financial aid. To add The University of Toledo to your FAFSA, please use school code: 003131.

Find more information on completing the FAFSA. 

Financial Aid Packaging 
Financial aid packages are created annually prior to the beginning of a new academic year. In order to receive a financial aid package a student must have a current FAFSA application on file, meet federal eligibility requirements and resolve any and all financial aid requirements.. Financial aid packages generally consist of Federal Unsubsidized Loans and Federal Direct Graduate Plus Loans. Scholarships are also added to the financial aid package if awarded. A student can view their aid package by logging into their myUT portal. 


Federal Loans 
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans – The University of Toledo participates in the Direct Lending Program which uses information from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA) to determine federal loan eligibility. The interest rate on this loan type is fixed for the life of the loan. The interest rate is set by Congress and changes every July 1st. The maximum annual Stafford loan eligibility for a first-year medical student is $40,500, increasing to $47,167 in the student’s third year, as long as the student does not exceed the aggregate of $224,000. 

Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loans – This loan type is an additional loan option beyond the Direct Unsubsidized loan. The interest rate on this loan type is also fixed for the life of the loan, set by Congress and changes every July 1st. This loan requires a credit check for approval. The maximum annual Grad PLUS loan eligibility for a medical student is the difference between the cost of attendance and the student’s other financial aid. 

View the current interest rates on all federal student loan types.

To apply for the Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan and/or the Grad PLUS loan, students are required to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form.  The FAFSA, Grad PLUS loan and Master Promissory Notes (MPN) for both the Unsubsidized and Grad PLUS loans can be found through StudentAid.Gov. 

Alternative Loans
Alternative loans are private loans that can provide additional funding for unmet college expenses and are available with a variety of loan terms. The yearly amount cannot exceed the annual cost of attendance minus other financial aid received. 

You are strongly encouraged to apply for federal funds prior to considering any alternative loans. Alternative loans are not federally guaranteed, and interest rates, fees and terms vary widely by lender. Each lender will look at credit history as well as other factors to determine eligibility for a loan. Most will require the use of a co-signer or co-borrower and will offer a better interest rate or reduced fees with the use of a co-signer. Also, because an alternative loan is not a federal loan, repayment options are limited. A borrower will not have access to income-driven repayment plans as offered through the federal loan program nor will any forgiveness programs be available that might otherwise be offered with federal loans. 

Alternative loans are not for everyone and should only be considered when all other federal resources have been exhausted. The Office of Student Financial aid will process an alternative loan from any lender you choose. We do not endorse any specific private lender or lending program. Borrowers can choose the alternative loan program with the lender of their choice

Master Promissory Note
An MPN is a legal document that contains the Borrower’s Rights and Responsibilities and Terms and Conditions for repayment. Direct PLUS and Direct Subsidized / Unsubsidized loans have different MPNs. An MPN can also be good for up to 10 years if certain enrollment requirements are met. A valid MPN must be on file for each loan type prior to a loan disbursing. 

Entrance Counseling 
Entrance counseling is required prior to receiving a loan disbursement for the first time. If you have not previously received a Subsidized / Unsubsidized loan or, in the case of a graduate/professional student, a PLUS  loan, under the Direct Loan Program or Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program, you must complete entrance counseling before receiving a loan to ensure that you understand your rights and responsibilities with regard to borrowing a federal student loan. Entrance counseling explains the obligations you agree to meet as a condition of borrowing a Direct Loan. 

Exit Counseling
Exit counseling provides important information that you need as you prepare to repay your federal student loan(s). 

If you are a student who has received Subsidized, Unsubsidized or PLUS loans under the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program or the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program, you must complete exit counseling each time you 

  • drop below half-time enrollment 
  • graduate; or 
  • leave school 

If you take a Leave of Absence (LOA) during medical school, you will be required to complete Exit Counseling at that time. You are encouraged to discuss the financial aid implications of taking a LOA with the Office of Student Financial Aid prior to the start of your leave. 

MPN, Entrance and Exit counseling requirements can be completed at 

Disbursement of Financial Aid
Disbursement of federal financial aid occurs at the beginning of each term, as long as a student is enrolled and otherwise eligible to receive Title IV funds at the time of disbursement. Certain situations can cause a disbursement to be delayed such as being registered for nonfinancial aid eligible courses such as FLEX time, study prep, etc. at the beginning of a term. In this case, your aid will not disburse until you begin an eligible course for that term. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all financial aid requirements are completed prior to the disbursement of federal aid. 

Financial aid funds are disbursed to your UT student account at the beginning of each semester provided you have: 

  1. Responded to all requests for information from the Office of Student Financial Aid.
  2. Accepted your aid awards through the myUT portal.
  3. Completed loan entrance counseling and signed the promissory note for accepted loans, if required.
  4. Enrolled (and will attend) at least half-time for loan disbursement. 

Return of Financial Aid 

When a student withdraws, either officially or unofficially, on or before completing 60 percent of the term, and has received federal Title IV funds in the form of a Federal Direct Loan or a Federal PLUS Loan, The Department of Education  requires that the University of Toledo review the student’s eligibility for those funds. Students earn their Title IV aid by attendance so if a student ceases attendance, the financial aid office will apply a federally mandated formula to determine how much of the federal funding was earned up to the time of withdrawal. This review and recalculation is called Return of Title IV Funds.

Deferment of Student Loans 

In-School Deferment
Student borrowers are eligible for an in-school deferment if enrolled at least half-time at an eligible college or career school. Graduate and/or professional students who borrowed a Federal Direct PLUS Loan, qualify for an additional six months of deferment after enrollment is ceased at least half-time. 

In most cases, your loan(s) will be placed into a deferment automatically based on enrollment information reported by The Office of the Registrar and your loan servicer will notify you that the deferment has been granted. See enrollment verification information.

Note: In-school deferment is generally automatic, so in most cases it isn’t necessary to complete the In-School Deferment Request. However, if you’re enrolled at least half-time but do not automatically receive a deferment, you can either ask your school to report your enrollment information or complete the In-School Deferment Request form which is available from your Loan Servicer. 

Repayment of Student Loans
Once you graduate, drop below half-time enrollment, or leave school, your federal student loans go into repayment. However, most loan types offer a six-month grace period (Federal Direct Unsubsidized) or an automatic deferment period (Federal Direct Grad Plus) of 6 months before you are required to start making regular payments. 

Note: When your loans enter repayment, your loan servicer will automatically place you on the Standard Repayment Plan (10 years). You can request a different repayment plan at any time through StudentAid.Gov. You can also talk to your loan servicer about your repayment options. 

The Office of Student Financial Aid on the Health Science Campus along with the AAMC offers Repayment Counseling sessions to assist borrowers in preparing for repayment. 


There are three types of funding for medical student scholarships: 

  1. College of Medicine and Life Science
  2. University General Funding
  3. External 

Incoming M1 COMLS Student Scholarships
The Office of Medical Student Admissions will send an email to the incoming M1 admitted students that will include information, application links and deadlines for the COMLS New Student Scholarship Application, the Better Together Scholarship Application and the David Hamilton Ryerson Scholarship Application. Note these are highly competitive awards and funding is limited. Some scholarships are renewable and all range in value depending on funding availability. Some awards are offered to candidates in the incoming class based on merit and/or financial need. No application is required for some awards and selection is conducted by the College of Medicine and Life Sciences Scholarship Committee using a variety of criteria such as prior academic performance, experiences, activities, leadership roles, MCAT scores, and the AMCAS application and interviews. Scholarship offers and awards are typically vetted from June to September each year. 

College of Medicine and Life Sciences Continuing Student Scholarships 
These awards are offered annually to rising M2, M3 and M4 medical students. Award amounts vary and eligibility may include academic excellence, leadership, professionalism, financial need or specialty interest and performance. The application is emailed to students by the Student Service Center each year and typically has a deadline of March 15th. Award selection is conducted by the COMLS MD Scholarship Committee and awards are generally offered June through September each year

Academic Excellence Awards are determined each year for students who earned all Honors in all courses and clerkships during medical school pending funding availability. (M3/M4 years) 

University Awards
The University of Toledo Office of Student Financial Aid awards scholarships to incoming as well as continuing students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate/professional programs. Application for such awards can be found by using the Scholarship Search Tool available here. Most scholarship considerations require a FAFSA and University awards are often determined in the January timeframe which is much earlier than the college scholarship award process. 

External Scholarships 

External scholarships are awarded by external entities. These vary by associations, corporations and agencies with their own independent eligibility criteria, application processes and deadlines. The Student Service Center will include and communicate opportunities via email for those we are informed about. Students are encouraged to conduct their own scholarship search but be cautious about websites that request payment or personal information in return for search services as these are sometimes illegitimate entities. Find a list of external scholarships to start your search. This list is not all-inclusive and has varying due dates. 


College of Medicine and Life Sciences medical students will receive registration information and instructions via email from the University Registrar’s Office. Medical students entering their 1st, 2nd and 3rd years will enroll for the entire academic year (Summer/Fall/Spring) at the time of enrollment. Med 3rd year students will enroll for an elective when instructed to do so depending on the term the elective will be taken. Med 4th year students will register three times a year, once for each semester, and must add or drop classes a minimum of 30 days prior to the start of the course. All medical students are expected to enroll as full-time students each term. Registration is managed via the online self-service MyUT web portal. Note any financial holds will impede your ability to change your registration. 

Student Records 

Students have the right to review their records once they are enrolled. Students have the right to review his/her educational records although not all records are maintained nor reside in one location. Some records may be maintained by the University Registrar and others may be kept by the College of Medicine and Life Sciences, Financial Aid, Medical Student Admissions, Office of Student Affairs, Student Services, etc. Questions regarding the review of individual student records should be directed to the Health Science Campus 

Registrar’s Office. Some records are excluded by law such as health records, parent financial records or confidential letters of reference. 

FERPA – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. University policies and procedures comply with FERPA and are outlined here. 


Information about ordering official university transcripts is available here. 

Degree Audit 

The MD student degree audit is available through MyUT self-service under My Records. A medical student must select Advanced Settings and choose COMLS “MED – medical students only” from the drop-down menu to ensure all relevant courses are included in the audit. The Student Service Center can provide assistance to upper classmen with interpreting the audit and well as the Office of Student Affairs is available for academic advisement. 

Record Retention 

It is recommended that students keep a personal copy of all important documents that are submitted or received from the College of Medicine and Life Sciences or any other university administrative office. These include immunization records, certifications, mask fittings, official score reports from the NBME and grades. 

Communication and Identification 

Every student is required to have an active University of Toledo rockets email address. The administration, faculty, staff and other students will use rocket email as the primary method of communication for official 

student business activities. It is the student’s responsibility to monitor communications regularly and respond when appropriate to inquiries. 

Photo ID/Rocket Card ID 

All University of Toledo students are required to have a Rocket ID. All Health Science Campus students, faculty and staff are required to wear your Rocket ID at all times when on campus. 

How do I order my student Rocket ID Card? 

  • Log into your MyUT 
  • Click "Request New/Replacement Rocket Card", which you will find under "My Other Resources" 
  • Review personal information
  • Select Rocket Card (ID) pick-up location
  • Upload your photo
  • Click "Submit" 

The Rocket ID Office will send a confirmation email to your UToledo account when your request has been successfully submitted and another email when it is ready for pickup. 

Where do I pick up my Rocket ID Card? When you order your Rocket Card (ID) you will be given the choice of two pick-up locations: Main Campus: Student Union room 1560 or Health Science Campus: Nursing Administration 2nd Floor ML Annex. A valid picture ID is required to pick up your Rocket ID Card. 

For more information, please reach out to the Rocket ID Office by phone at 419.530.5842 or by email

Student Emergency Contact, Address, Telephone Updates 

A student emergency contact should be added or changed by logging in to MyUT and clicking on Update Emergency Contact. Students are expected to add a local address and cell phone number to their record via MyUT > My Other Resources > Update Addresses and Phones.  

Student Initiated Changes in Enrollment Status 

Leave of Absence 

A student may request a leave of absence (LOA) from the Doctor of Medicine (MD) program for one of several reasons, including medical, financial, personal, academic, or administrative. A leave of absence may be granted for up to 12 months; any extensions require special consideration based on circumstance. 

If a leave of absence is desired, the student should meet with the appropriate Office of Student Affairs Associate or Assistant Dean to discuss eligibility and filing of appropriate paperwork. The form must be submitted a minimum of 60 days prior to requested modification. 

Voluntary Withdrawal 

Requests for voluntary withdrawal from the UTCOMLS must be submitted through the Office of Student Affairs. 

Last Updated: 9/26/24